Parts phase through at relatively low speeds

Here is a clip of what happens:

External Media

Edit, additional clips:

^^ in these situations the ground is 1 stud thick.



The post is 0.4 studs wide and the ball has a diameter of 2 studs.
The server owns the ball’s physics (NetworkOwner is nil!) - so client FPS should not be a factor.
The ball was travelling around 150 studs per second, which is fast but shouldn’t be fast enough for this to occur.

This started happening about 2-3 weeks ago.
It isn’t too common, but enough that this occurs after a decent number of shots.

Expected behavior

I expect the ball NOT to phase through the post - especially as I can see it go through at 60 FPS (the clip is at 60 FPS).


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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What is workspace.PhysicsSteppingMode set to? If it’s set to Adaptive, the physics engine will check whether “simple” physics operations like these are causing collisions between parts less often. This would theoretically let them phase through parts that are so thin that the ball, in this case, could be fully above it one frame, and fully below it the next, without actually touching it.

Have you tried making the floor thicker?

It’s set to default. May I ask when exactly was this feature set to default? The announcement said “in the coming weeks” and that was back in January.

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January… of last year. Maybe someone set it to Default by accident (clicking on a property and scrolling can change it without opening the dropdown, very easy to do when mis-clicking and trying to get to different properties in the Properties window).

You could set the PhysicsSteppingMode to Fixed to get all the old behavior, but the old behavior also tends to be very wasteful. Assuming you’re running at 60 FPS, Fixed will force every single part to figure out if they’re touching something 4 times every frame, even if they really don’t need to, in order to prevent more complicated assemblies, like vehicles with accurate suspensions or scissor lifts, from de-stabilizing and glitching out. As I said before, you should be able resolve this issue while maintaining the performance gains of Adaptive by making the floor thicker. The engineers also seem to encourage making your games more compatible with the new system, as opposed to forgetting about the problem and using the old one.

I recall hearing some time back that there were some plans to implement “swept collisions”, but I can’t remember if that came from an official source, but hopefully it or some other collision technique will be implemented to remove the need for thick floors at some point in the future so there aren’t confusing bugs like these.

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It has been default this entire time - the announcement said that PhysicsSteppingMode will act as Adaptive by default. Though I don’t believe anyone changed the stepping mode at all.

Again, this all happened fairly recently.

We’ll try and set it to Fixed and see if the issues subside. Still leaving this as a bug report though, because falling through 1-stud thick plates shouldn’t be happening, adaptive or not.

Edit: changed it to fixed around 3 hours ago. haha forgot about that. I’ll keep you updated if this changes anything.

I’ll be looking into this issue. Will keep everyone posted, apologies for any disruptions this behavior might have caused to your experience. Feel free to DM for other questions or reports :slight_smile:

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Small update:

I have applied the physics step to fixed and have stopped receiving reports. Still leaving this up because I don’t think this should be happening even on default.