[PATCHED] Detect Synapse X on injection with this one simple trick!

show proof that synapse x can do it

go learn about metatable and u will know why they can

do you think im gonna waste 15 dollars just to check also this is in the server scripts so wth are you talking about

google lua metatable and metamethods, you’re completely misunderstanding what were saying.

they cant edit server scripts wth are you talking about?

i didn’t talking about server scripts, i think you’re misunderstanding.

and there’s no way to detect darkdex in serverside

im talking about server scripts

This only works for character since script deletion replicates.

well server scripts can kick people out then there’s no way you would see like admin commands like idk yqta’s admin commands kick script work with a server script

and how can they stop the script before deleting the scripts thats what makes me lose braincells

Anything deleted under character replicates.

local Script = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("LocalScript")

This is only true if Workspace.RejectCharacterDeletions is disabled


I know you cant control server scripts in synapse x someone gave me a copy of a game using this synapse x on a website which I have not touched for 15 months

it probably only had the client scripts/client container


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you cant control server scripts then

not anymore lmao



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you cant detect injections on the serverside and executors have an option to execute localscripts right when u launch the game before the anticheat localscript loads which means they can just delete the anticheat before it runs

you can use


but they can just hook the connection anyway.