Today the American Christian Association team is releasing a script which can detect Synapse X v2 instantly upon injection (even with auto-attach/auto-launch!). The method itself relies on absolute incompetency on 3ds’ part after a botched attempt to patch another ACE exploit. With a long record of detections and code execution vulnerabilities, you can see how disastrous this company’s reputation is!
To secure your game today against this horrible exploit’s userbase, insert the following code inside a LocalScript that you should ideally parent to ReplicatedFirst:
-- credits to Magik Manz#9999 for the method
local mbus = game:GetService("MessageBusService")
while true do
local _,e = pcall(function()
if e:find("Publish") then
-- this can be changed
Wow!!! Thanks cook_qt, my bestest friend in the entire whole worlds, Cameron will never recover from this! This will surely help me devex enough to fund my lambo’s insurance
-- credits to Magik Manz#9999 for the method
local mbus = game:GetService("MessageBusService")
while true do
local _,e = pcall(function()
if e:find("Publish") then
The problem is that this is a LocalScript, which the client can delete. It doesn’t matter if this is in ReplicatedFirst, the client can still access it because it is a LocalScript, in a place they can access.
deleting a LocalScript does absolutely nothing to the script’s state and it’s possible to spawn it in another thread to prevent people from using .Disabled in order to stop it
this is mad but will there be a workaround so synapse can bypass this security? They usually always make something to patch new securities but I hope there won’t be now