All in the title. Once it reaches a certain range of a checkpoint, I want the humanoid to move to the next checkpoint.
local Waypoints = Path:GetWaypoints()
for i, v in pairs(Waypoints) do
if not Cancel then
if v.Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then
NPC_Humanoid.Jump = true
if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PickupGun") then
Cancel = true
Hey. You can just define it with a different humanoid, it will work. Do you know how to do what I am asking?
There is plenty more, just figured if someone knew they would say what to add.
local Path = PS:CreatePath()
Path:ComputeAsync(NPC_HRP.Position, game.Workspace.PickupGun.Position)
if Path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.NoPath then
After this fires get the distance from the character’s current position to the position of the current checkpoint, if the distance is less than some threshold then move the character towards the next checkpoint otherwise continue moving the character towards the current checkpoint until it reaches a distance from it that is less than the required threshold.