Pauldrons and other shoulder accessories are incorrectly attached to the character

In the Roblox catalog, there are a lot of items that have issues with how they are worn. I’ve found that a lot of these happen to be shoulder accessories, so I’ve made a list down below.

Common cases include accessories attached to the head, left arm or right arm rather than the torso, the limb they were designed to fit.

This is an issue because some of these items are expensive, so users end up buying and not wearing them due to the defects of the item.

If you find any more items like these, reply with a link.


Aphthiton Pauldrons Shoulder Accessory Bug
Lightning Cobalt Pauldrons - Roblox
Overseer Armor Pauldrons - Roblox
Dragon Scale Pauldrons - Roblox
Paladin Pauldrons - Roblox
Korblox Shoulder Pauldrons - Roblox
Recycled Knight Pauldrons - Roblox
Redcliff Elite Knight Pauldrons - Roblox
Winged Pauldrons of Achievement - Roblox
Magmawrath Pauldrons - Roblox
Futuristic Chest Plate Armor - Roblox
Lost Souls Headrow - Roblox
Ultimate Competition Armor - Roblox
Antler Headrow - Roblox
Candy Crusher - Roblox
Festive Eggs Headrow - Roblox
American Warrior: Blue Brawler - Roblox
Archfiend's Trophy Shoulders - Roblox
Zombie Headrow - Roblox
DIY Headrow - Roblox
Halloween Headrow 2011 - Roblox
Headrow - Roblox
American Warrior: White Hot Fury - Roblox
Ceremonial Guard of the Duke of the Federation - Roblox
Overseer Row - Roblox
Earmuffs Headrow - Roblox
Cobolt Lightning Pauldrons - Roblox
Pumpkin Headrow - Roblox
Chillin' Headrow - Roblox
Gingerbread Headrow - Roblox
Snowman Headrow - Roblox
Armor of the Last Goodbye - Roblox
Santa Headrow - Roblox

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