Pauldrons Attachment Position Discrepancy (Megathread)

This issue applies to majority of pauldrons

(There is most likely more shoulder items with these issues but I’ve only listed pauldrons because there’s a lot of shoulder items to go through, if I find more I’ll update this post with more of them)

Collar attachment issues:
Gold Oji Ninja Pauldrons
Extraterrestrial Pauldrons
Post-Apocalyptic Pauldrons
Black Iron Pauldrons
Mid-Summer Pauldrons
Crushing Crystals Pauldrons
Winterwolf Pauldrons
Paladin Pauldrons
Eggcenttric Egg Pauldrons
Libra Pauldrons of Balance
Pauldrons of Festive Duality
Cannonball Pauldrons
Ivory Bloom Pauldrons
Ebony Bloom Pauldrons
Crimson Bloom Pauldrons
Kirin Scale Pauldrons
Power Pauldrons
Omega Rainbow Pauldrons
Celtic Snowflake Pauldrons
Rhino Pauldrons
Carved Bird Head Pauldrons
Cursed Sarcophagus Pauldrons
Bluesteel Pauldrons
Pauldrons of Starlight
Cactus Pauldrons
Catseye Pauldrons
Atlantean Pauldrons
Magma General Pauldrons
Copper Pauldrons of Illustrious Chance
Oji Ninja Pauldrons
Cornucopia Pauldrons
Monstrous Cardboard Pauldrons
Knights of the Splintered Skies Pauldrons

Hat object issue:
Lost Souls Headrow
Winged Pauldrons of Achievement
Armor of the Last Goodbye
Korblox Shoulder Pauldrons
Redcliff Elite Knight Pauldrons
Cobolt Lightning Pauldrons
Magmawrath Pauldrons
Lightning Cobalt Pauldrons
Dragon Scale Pauldrons
Ninja Shoulder Armor
Overseer Armor Pauldrons
Candy Crusher
Ceremonial Guard of the Duke of the Federation
American Warrior: Blue Brawler
American Warrior: Red Pain
American Warrior: White Hot Fury
Overseer Row

Shoulder attachment issues:
Recycled Knight Pauldrons

Throughout this post I will be talking about the issues with “Pauldrons” but this basically applies to any shoulder accessory that has things on both sides of your shoulders so this could mean something like a head row too, I will be referring to it as pauldrons because those are the items with majority of the issues. Pauldrons have been sort of messed up for a while due to the weird challenge they propose of trying to get 2 pieces to fit on your character without having it look weird and this has caused them to have so many issues relating to attachments throughout so many different items. Pauldrons tend to have 1 of 3 issues with their attachments.

Issue 1: Collar Attachment
A common trend in roblox-made pauldron accessories is that they have the left collar attachment (or right collar sometimes but its usually left collar) the issue with using the collar attachment on pauldrons is that if you have a bundle that moves the collar attachment at all the pauldrons are going to be heavily off-centered

On the blocky avatar type they look fine, no problems here.

Then you start using bundles and this is when things go out of hand
Moved to the left due to the attachment on the torso moving as well
Gets even worse depending on the torso.

This doesn’t work well due to the whole point of pauldrons that you have a piece of armor on each shoulder and if the pauldron moves towards a certain direction you have a pauldron for one shoulder floating. It doesn’t help then that majority of pauldron items use a collar attachment

Issue 2: Hat Object (Basically Hat Attachment)
Before 2016 when R15 wasn’t a thing Roblox used something called a “Hat” object which defined the position of the accessory in the object itself instead of with an attachment, however now they’re a thing of the past so how come that there’s still so many items that use it to this day. I’ve already talked about this in a previous post but this applies heavily to pauldrons probably due to there being no real proper attachment for them.
Hat objects default the attachment to the hat attachment and pauldrons moving with your head is even weirder then it being off-center with a collar attachment
Taken directly from my report about this topic (Deprecated Hat Object still being used for Accessories (Multiple Items))

Issue 3: Shoulder Attachment
Shoulder attachments move the item with your shoulder, this is great for singular pauldrons but when you have 2 of them the pauldron on the other side looks very weird.

The Solution
The solution is as simple as turning the attachments into Neck attachments or BodyFront attachments. These are the best choices for pauldrons as it acts like a collar attachment and it doesn’t move with body types keeping them centered on you.
Example of a pair of pauldrons that use the neck attachment


Consistent in centering across body types

Pauldrons have been in a weird spot ever since R15 released as they don’t match the animated style of an R15 character, with major clipping issues and attachment issues on majority of Roblox pauldrons they’ve been sort of left to rot. In a perfect world we’d be able to have double pauldrons that move with each of your shoulders without splitting them off into different items, potentially with double attachments, but I don’t think that’d happen anytime soon. I think that maybe there’s also a solution with layered clothing technology where we could take accessories that don’t fit well on a lot of avatar types (pauldrons, pins, etc) and turn them into something that anyone can wear on any avatar with it.

Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: Varies from item
Date Last Experienced: To this day


We’ve filed a ticket for this issue, and will follow up when we have updates!

Thanks for the report!