Pausing Physics update causing Characters to Fling in game(s)

can confirm it also happens to me but when going up slopes, though this behavior happens when using the new physics character controller, seems to be something related to character tilting, even though rigidity enabled was set to true on the controllers

This isn’t limited to characters getting flinged either! I’ve observed some plain unanchored parts flinging as well when interacting with characters. This is getting kind of ridiculous, as it has been about a week by now of living in constant fear of being flinged out of reality! (well, maybe its not that serious :sweat_smile:)

Also @Chyzll

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Seems this issue has gotten worse over the past 24 hours. We’ve seen a huge spike in reports in our game Super League Soccer. The ball randomly gets shot up into the sky quite frequently now.

Overnight this issue went from somewhat rare to literally almost every user experiencing it now!

Its making multiple games my own included almost unplayable.


This completely broke 2 of my games. Setting physics stepping to “Fixed” doesn’t resolve my issues either. Is there anything else I can revert?

Yeah this is becoming problematic, I can’t play any game normally anymore, the physics engine seems awfully unstable lately.


It’s gotten even worse now, this happened to both of my games (Both games use different scripts)

This explains why players and ragdolls have been acting up :joy: not the first time this has happened… :melting_face:

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A couple of flags were flipped for another bug and has appeared to fix this problem. The uncollidable parts that would fling me in my environment no longer do so.

There has been other flags that have been effecting humanoid behavior (Humanoid Physics are unstable as of April 18 2024) We have reverted some related flags for this issue. Let us know if you are still getting reports

This isn’t the only thing happening, you can do a glitch where if you kill something and jump on the torso you can start jumping super high.

The problem happened today to a player in my game:
Physics are getting strange and unstable.

still got issues for me aswell

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Still occurring as of noon EST on 4/19

Resolved as of now with no published changes. :+1:

i dont know if its related, but when i play wtrb, sometimes i just disappear into nowhere, sky becomes bright, and health crashes to zero

is it flinging me to nan studs away that causes this?

this isnt happening before april 19, 2024

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External Media

Can confirm, this is still happening.


Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone is still experiencing this flinging behavior with characters. We made some updates that should resolve most of these issues. Would appreciate any feedback from everyone who commented on this thread :slight_smile:

Hey there, I put my experience back onto adaptive timestepping some time last month, I’d guess, and have not experienced the issue at all. It seems to be fixed at the moment.

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