Pending Verification badge still there for me in Talent Hub

Dear Roblox

So it has been yesterday and I still have the pending verification badge.


Is there a way it can be removed? Do I have to wait for weeks or months?

Same for me. It’s been over a month, almost two months, since I’ve had this icon on my Talent Hub profile.


Unfortunately, there’s no way to guarantee that your content will be reviewed. Each change has to be reviewed manually, and I don’t believe it’s a priority on Roblox’s to-do list.

The same thing happened to my job post, but the pending moderation was out for a day, until I edited it I guess. Now no one can apply for my jobs :frowning:

If you have waited around a week and nothing has changed, I’d recommend emailing Roblox customer support. I have done this a long time ago and they removed the moderation.


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