People should not be able to download assets directly from the website

In short, all assets should be hidable from the profile page, all assets should be restricted from access from games not owned by the creator. (This would stop all assets stealing where players can steal a mesh and use the same meshId while animations don’t allow that)

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Question is!
Will it happen? We shall see .3.

In order for this to happen, Roblox should offer alternatives. As a developer, it’s really handy to be able to search up “Click” in the sound library and get a bunch of audio samples to choose from that other people have uploaded. The same goes with decals and even meshes, if you just need a smiley face or an X or something, it’s really handy to have options that other people have uploaded already.

From what I understand, this is exactly what you want to stop (people using your items), but you can see there is also a huge benefit to leaving things open for taking. I’m a bit torn on the issue myself, as I can see both sides of the coin.

Yes but again if they have access to them it’s because they’re free items. If my items are not under copyable or on sale I don’t want them taking it or seeing it because that usually means it’s something not wanted to be seen by the owner or moderators…

Free items and on sale items are obviously wanted to be taken.

Added the delete as a joke.

I think Roblox needs to hide meshes and animations from the public. It’s not fair that we work very hard to produce stuff like that, and it can get stolen in an instant, and since we have no way to copyright it or anything, it’s basically free to use.

Well actually you can copyright any material you upload to Roblox. You’re just allowing Roblox the usage of said items for advertising and stuff. This will depend legally though on whatever you do with the items and game later on.

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So if people use an asset downloader to download my meshes and copy my textures from my decal and use them for their own game, I can punish them for it?

Yes. Make sure you HAVE copyrights for it though.

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How would I be able to do that They get iffy in certain areas of the law but I will say this. Copyright all your products on Roblox as LONG as they are NOT Roblox characters, logo, theme, style, sounds, and etc.

Anything and everything else that you post on Roblox will not be legally protected by Roblox in the court of law unless you have copyrights.
This is also good for having when you hire new team members.
Please if you hire team members have them sign a contract this will also save you from so many problems.

I know a lot of legal stuff xD

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Thanks! I never knew this was possible, does it cost real money to copyright, and do I have to be 18

You can copyright at almost any age.

It isn’t very pricey depending on what you’re doing.

I thought copyrights are implicit as soon as you create something original? At least in the US, anyway. It doesn’t really matter your age at all and you don’t have to pay for them. Patents are a very different story.

That only works for certain physical copies of items. In the US you can use a system called poorman’s copyright and send a letter to yourself with the item attached and never open it until needed during court. This is very risky to do for any legal case though so it is best to always have 100% rights to any asset you create.

I know at least with code, whatever you write (as long as it’s not under a contract or something) is copyrighted right away without you having to do anything. I thought it applied to pretty much anything and everything.

That’s considered a physical copy if I’m not mistaken #Flashdrives, It also has a date of creation and your computer is basically supposed to act like a safe so that’s personal data being breached which is a federal offense if I’m not mistaken. < Meaning it’s an easy win in court unless someone deletes it from your computer and you didn’t save it then they have to ask for a hard drive search to prove it or not lol.
^ This could also be considered poor man’s copyright.

Certain things such as 3D files and stuff on Roblox might be a different story from the below due to Roblox’s ToS. Another factor to this would be that we are now basically agreeing that anyone can take our stuff and this no longer just includes Roblox and ourselves because they have no security via the website lol >.>

Now usually anything you post on the internet will be open to the public unless you have the legal rights to the object.
I have poor mans copyright for my art and designs but again as I’ve said the law for these things changes drastically depending on a lot of factors. The reason you have to have copyright for almost anything that isn’t dated and legally filed down as owned by you is because any skrublord can take advantage of stealing a piece of work if it’s not protected.

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I think that this isn’t even possible, because when a place that isn’t yours is loading a mesh or a CSG part, a decal or something, its using a get curl using the url “$AssetID” to view the xml/content and download it into the game.

Just take for example that if a roblox server game doesn’t have access to[ASSET ID FOR A SHIRT/PANTS] it shouldn’t load the character apparence.

Roblox Should just remove Meshes, Decals and stuff like that from the inventory just like the Image asset type

But remember that anyways, It would be still viewed from apis like this
curl -X GET --header ‘Accept: application/json’ ‘’

curl -X GET --header ‘Accept: application/json’ ‘’

(edit, I wrote wrong an It)

Accessing my stuff shouldn’t be available from the website by others unless from the game client. It is possible to hide my assets through group assets so why can’t it be the same with my personal assets?

Legally if Roblox knows this is happening and if it were to become an issue Roblox would be up for legal troubles with people unless they change their ToS or fix the issue.

This post is merely about preventing such a thing from happening through this giant hole in their website security.

Anyone can come to me and say “No one can legally charge Roblox because they have a team of lawyers1!111!” No. If I went and started a legal battle with Roblox I would have a case.

^^ Not saying I’m gonna do this because I have no reason too, but it’s such a big hole legally it’s almost insane.

This gets contradicted by this.

and this.

I could go on and on but I’d be wasting my time now.

@Nightgaladeld This is something you guys need to have the legal team seriously look into.


Sorry for the bump, but I just had this happen to me and I’m really not happy about it. This morning I was informed that an anti-fan of mine has downloaded two of my meshes, only one was used in a game but neither of them are free to take so I assumed that the other one would at least be safe because it only exists on the site. This really needs to be dealt with. I understand that asset theft is technically unpreventable but it shouldn’t be this easy.


If you read everything on the last image you included, it basically says that you give Roblox the right to use, store, transfer and distribute your UGC however they like, except for making new or derivate games on their own.

Based on that, I doubt that you’d be able to somehow hold Roblox responsible. (I’m not a lawyer and this is just my personal interpretation)

Also, there has to be a way to download the assets otherwise no one would be see them in-game. Sure, you could probably make it slightly harder but that wouldn’t really help in the long run.