(Performance) Models vs Unions vs Meshes in large amounts?

I have a ceiling that consists of about 5000 tiles, which means optimization is fairly important (due to the small rims around the tiles)

I am aware unions are fairly slow, especially in bulk, and I’m wondering, which would be the fastest, handling the rims with a hollowed square union; four rectangle parts forming a hollow square; or a mesh of the rim?

While I’ve found topics on the subject, none seem to revolve around such large object counts.

And yes I’m aware making very stretched rectangles would probably be more efficient than having each rim be a separate piece, but I want to not resort to that until later in the future.


The most performant of the 3 would probably be meshes, since you can reduce the amount of vertices.

Unions are pretty much always worst with performance, since they normally have extra faces or an unnecessary amount of vertices.

Parts/Models would be second here, since it doesn’t need to load like a Union, but it still will have extra faces and vertices.

With a mesh, you can remove all unwanted faces and it gives more control in general. If you wanted an option of these three I’d go with meshes.

But if you’re really worried about performance, you could also use a repeating texture. The imagine would just be a single tile, and you’d repeat it across a giant part. It wouldn’t be as good looking and it might look flat, but it could probably closely replicate what you’re looking for.


use MeshParts without a damn doubt - google “meshinstancing roblox” because it would def help since you’re using 5000x of them

It would be helpful if you provided images, you could make a texture instead of making a mesh/model/union

ps: never use unions

Image of the tile and rim, and the rim separate, lit up for easy viewing.

I recently switched all the tile rims to meshes and it seems to have improved performance.

I’d prefer to not use a texture as they lack the tiny bit of depth/detail I want.

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