Physics Toolkit: Multi-tool for physics-based building!

A comprehensive physics toolkit for creating accurate games and models in Roblox Studio.

Unit Conversion

  • Length: Studs ↔ Meters/Feet
  • Mass: RMU ↔ Kilograms/Pounds
  • Force: Rowtons ↔ Newtons/Pound-force
  • Torque: Rowton-studs ↔ Newton-meters/Pound-feet
  • Spring Values: Stiffness and Damping conversion
  • Switch between metric and imperial units
  • Customizable scale (default 0.28m per stud)

Volume Calculator

  • Calculate dimensions based on target mass and density
  • Lock specific dimensions to adjust proportionally
  • Real-time updates as you modify values
  • Apply dimensions directly to selected parts

Distribution Editor

  • Visualize mass distribution with color coding
  • Multiple distribution methods (uniform density/mass, proportional)
  • Lock specific parts to preserve their mass
  • Real-time center of mass visualization
  • Select and modify individual or multiple parts

Simulation Timeline [NEW]

  • Record and playback physics simulations
  • Interactive timeline scrubbing
  • Adjustable timescale for slow-motion
  • Set custom simulation durations
  • Apply final positions after simulation

Counterweight Tool [NEW]

  • Precisely position a model’s center of mass using counterweights
  • Interactive 3D manipulation of target position
  • Real-time preview of counterweight placement
  • Automatic density calculations for various sizes

Perfect for:

  • Vehicle creation
  • Physics-based games
  • Mechanical assemblies
  • Realistic construction
  • Any project requiring precise physical properties

This plugin is free! All suggestions for new features are welcome.


  • 12/15/24: Added Counterweight Tool
  • 12/14/24: Added Simulation Timeline, Added spring value conversions
  • 12/8/24: Replaced Mass Editor with Distribution Editor

What the fiddlesticks is a kilometer???

But seriously, this plugin is really cool for people who are wondering what a stud is in feet, or to make physics in your game more accurate. Nice plugin.

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Made it out of anger because i was getting tired of doing it with a calculator lol. I’m surprised there wasn’t a existing one already.


bumping this since i decided to turn this plugin into a general toolkit for physics related purposes. Added a volume caculator and a mass distributor for models/assemblies.

has the plugin been deleted?

Heck yeah. Can’t wait for getting into using physics! This is perfect for my future projects. Thank u bro (Ur plugin is not showing pls update the link)

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It was working on my side so i thought it was still good, i changed it now.

Here’s the new link:

still not accessible :frowning:

Thats odd, the link works perfectly fine on my side even after i logged out.

weird, it seems to work now, maybe it just had issues loading for me

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Can you send a photo of the moderation note , when the first was deleted?

Its fixed, what most likely happened was that i changed the name of the plugin without updating the link.


I have replaced the model mass widget with a more powerful model distributor editor.

selecting a model will create a copy of the model into this viewport, color coding it based on its contribution to the total mass (blue to green to red).

It has the option like the previous widget of setting the total mass of the model, but with 3 distribution options instead of one:

  • Uniform Contribution - Makes all the parts contribute equally to the total mass.
  • Uniform Density - Makes all the parts the same density
  • Proportional - Scales the mass in those parts to the total mass while keeping their contribution ratios.

You can move around the viewport and select parts of the model that are valid (parts with massless set to false). You can set the target mass and density of these selected parts to a specified value for more control.

You can also lock the mass of selected parts such that they don’t change during distribution calculations. the editor will used the unlocked parts to achieve the target mass of the model. They will show in the editor as forcefield parts.

Finally after your changes you can apply them to the original model, or not and move on to another model.

As always, i’m open to feedback on the UI and suggestions for new features.

UPDATE 12/14/24:

Added Spring damping and stiffness in the conversions widget.

New feature: Simulation Timeline

The Simulation Timeline is a physics simulation and recording tool designed to help you test and iterate on physics-based creations. Here’s what it can do:

  • Simulate physics in edit mode with selected objects in the workspace.

  • Options for time scale and simulation duration. Setting a duration will allow recording of the simulation, which can be played back by using the timeline slider. You can also modify a recorded sim mid way and it will resimulate it beyond that point.

  • Any assemblies will reset to their original position if the gui is closed, unless you apply them, allowing for quick testing without permament changes.

The timeline gives you frame-by-frame control over physics simulations while maintaining accurate physical properties throughout playback. This is great for testing assemblies without to go in and out of play testing.

UPDATE 12/15/24:

Added Counterweight Tool.

The Counterweight Tool allows you to shift the center of mass of a model to a specified position by welding a counterweight into the primary part. You just select the model, move the red sphere to your desired center of mass, with a green cube showing the position of the counterweight, then apply, which will create an invisible part with the specified mass and size and welds it to the model.

This will most likely be the last tool ill add in a while, assuming i dont get any more ideas, the next updates will be focused on bug fixes, improving the UI, implementing an Undo/Redo function, and shortcuts.

Distribution Editor Plugin: Major Update (3/12/25)

I’ve completely rebuilt the plugin from scratch to fix bugs and add several new features!

:wrench: Overhauled Distribution Editor

  • More spacious viewport with measurement grid lines for better 3D navigation
  • Streamlined UI layout with all settings now on the right panel
  • New visibility controls to hide selected parts and disable their collision, making it easier to access hidden parts
  • Reset button to quickly return the model to its original state



:stopwatch: Improved Simulation Timeline

  • Integrated dock widget that matches the style of other tools (replaces previous screenGUI)
  • New frame indicator line showing recorded frame positions when using specified durations

New Timeline UI:

Timeline with Duration Specified:

:rocket: Coming Soon

  • Record properties of simulated parts
  • Record constraints included in simulated assemblies
  • Debug visualization

:mag: Other Changes

  • Volume Calculator removed - determined it wasn’t useful enough to warrant a dedicated tool
  • Numerous bug fixes, particularly around plugin unloading

Please share any suggestions or report issues below!