PhysicsService collision group created event

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to know when a new collision group has created.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I would not have to register all my collision groups in a single script. It would allow for me to not waste time integrating external code with my game when it needs to create a collision group.

Currently there is no way to know when a collision group has been created. Roblox docs state that “it’s highly recommended that you register collision groups in a single script.”. This is not reasonably feasible in many cases (such as when pulling in scripts made from external modules).

In my case, I want to create a collision group and disable collisions between all other collision groups. I do this as I only want collisions between assemblies inside this collision group, and no external world physics.

I can do this at runtime by creating my group, and using the PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable method, however this only applies for retroactive created groups. I have no way to handle new groups created after my code runs, unless I move my code to a single place where I handle group registration and ensure setting collisions between groups is the last step in my code.

If I could listen to new collision groups, it would simplify my workflow significantly.

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