Picular - Back Soon


  • Find the colour of anything—just pop in a search term and get swatches.
  • Hex Codes—copy and paste hex codes.
  • Apply the colour to objects in your game.

There are seven buttons for each swatch. From left to right, these are as follows:

Icon Description
Brick Apply to part
Light bulb Apply to light or effect, such as a ParticleEmitter, Beam or PointLight
Image Apply to texture, such as a Decal, ImageLabel or clothing
Square Apply to UI element background
Outlined square Apply to UI element border (does not work with UIStroke)
T Apply to UI text colour
Outlined T Apply to UI text stroke colour

No button for what you need? You can copy and paste the hex codes next to each swatch directly into the colour property in the Studio properties window.





The plugin is available to download from the Roblox plugin marketplace.

Picular is undergoing a makeover and will be back soon!

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This looks sweet! I’ll make sure to try this out now. :wink:

  1. Is there a way to retrieve the RGB colors too?
  2. How did you convert the website to Roblox?

Currently not, but I’ll keep it in mind and see if I can get that into an update!

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Awesome plugin! And incredibly useful when creating assets that could benefit from a neat color palette.

My suggestion would be to replace the 7 (!!) “Apply Color” buttons with one or more generic apply buttons. Based on the current selection, you can use :IsA(“ClassName”) to route it to the right piece of code responsible for applying the color to that specific instance. That would make it much easier for users of your plugin to apply the color without having to worry which button to click!


Thanks for the feedback. I plan on making it more contextual in future. This was intended for personal use but thought others might find it of use.

Currently, icons which have no relevance become transparent, but I’d like to give the app a bit of a “brain” in future, and translate it over to Roact. I’m using Components by @Elttob at the moment, which allowed me to build this plugin rapidly (approx. 2 hours in total) for my main project.


Please :raised_hand:
This plugin is amazing. I’m going to use the website rather then the plugin as I’m using this for GFX but this plugin is SO amazing!


When I first glanced at this post I was like, “What? Just another color menu?” When I saw the video, I realized how amazing this is. It’s so cool! I underestimated this.


That will be incredibly useful. Me, and probably many others, find it hard to get the perfect colour for something, and this plugin could make it SO MUCH EASIER!
One of the hardest for me is shades of brown, and with this, I can just search up what I need, and then it’s ready. You’re a saviour,

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Mini update: I just realised I never integrated it with the ChangeHistoryService, so with the new version, you can now click undo (or press CTRL+Z) to undo after applying a colour. Update via the Plugin Manager.


I’m currently in the process of planning a redesign for the plugin in order to make it more user friendly and add some new features. I would like some quick feedback from those of you currently using this plugin. See the poll below:

Plugin screenshot


Which of the “Apply” buttons do you use?
Each option corresponds to the swatch apply buttons in the screenshot above, from left to right, respectively.
  • Apply to part
  • Apply to light/effect
  • Apply to image
  • Apply to UI background
  • Apply to UI border
  • Apply to UI text
  • Apply to UI text stroke
  • None

0 voters

Would you care if the “Apply” buttons were removed in favour of just a read-only textbox (for copying and pasting colour codes)?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If you have any additional feedback or requests, please reply or shoot me a DM. Thanks!

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This, by far, should be a plugin any first time (or professional) developer installs. I’m so sick of googling, downloading, and image editing to get specific colors to match the aesthetic of my game. I’m so happy I came across this because the changes in my workflow just allow for better colouring.

edit: to clarify. it adds to my SBS workflow as I have less manual editing in properties. Being able to just search up the color I want instead of messing with values or hexes is just amazing.


Sorry to replying to such an old topic, but if you search “modern black” you will have some colours where you have difficulty seeing the icons, as shown in the image.


thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into fixing that immediately, but an update is also in the works!


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Updated to 0.0.3.

What’s Changed

  • Updated to not use the swatch colour on the button icons. This means you’ll be able to see the icons properly even when you have dark colours in your results, as reported by @Vlaskoz.

Update via the Plugin Manager to receive this fix.


This looks pretty good! I love the organized system unlike Roblox’s default one.

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Wow, that was some pretty fast response and also thanks for changing it!