So I was playing with the PID controller and after some time it worked
But then I press play to test the game out and since then I couldn’t get it to work even with the same settings. Why?
I used this tutorial:
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local PID = require(script.PID)
local vf = script.Parent.PrimaryPart.VectorForce
local balancePID =, 10000, 1, 0, 0)
balancePID:Debug("BalancePID", workspace)
local function update(deltaTime)
local tilt = script.Parent.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Z
local force = -balancePID:Calculate(deltaTime, 0, tilt)
vf.Force =, 0, force)
Your kD is way too high. Your setpoint seems to be angles (idk, havent used that module). If that is the case you are trying to dampen it by millions of angles per second. Change your kP to like 2 and kD to like 0.5. You could also consider calculating the gravity force the motorcycle experiences by treating the vector causing the tilting force (that is, your motorcycles center of mass * gravity * rightVector) and feed forwarding that into your equation as if you don’t do that you will need to use an integral gain to make it perfectly upright.
Sorry for bumping this thread but I am looking for the PiD controller but cannot seem to find it; it would be a big help if you could send the PiD controller you are using
-- PID
-- August 11, 2020
@class PID
The PID class simulates a [PID controller]( PID is an acronym
for _proportional, integral, derivative_. PIDs are input feedback loops that try to reach a specific
goal by measuring the difference between the input and the desired value, and then returning a new
desired input.
A common example is a car's cruise control, which would give a PID the current speed
and the desired speed, and the PID controller would return the desired throttle input to reach the
desired speed.
Original code based upon the [Arduino PID Library](
local PID = {}
PID.__index = PID
@within PID
@prop POnE boolean
POnE stands for "Proportional on Error".
Set to `true` by default.
- `true`: The PID applies the proportional calculation on the _error_.
- `false`: The PID applies the proportional calculation on the _measurement_.
Setting this value to `false` may help the PID move smoother and help
eliminate overshoot.
local pid =
pid.POnE = true|false
@param min number -- Minimum value the PID can output
@param max number -- Maximum value the PID can output
@param kp number -- Proportional coefficient
@param ki number -- Integral coefficient
@param kd number -- Derivative coefficient
@return PID
Constructs a new PID.
local pid =, 1, 0.1, 0, 0)
function number, max: number, kp: number, ki: number, kd: number)
local self = setmetatable({}, PID)
self._min = min
self._max = max
self._kp = kp
self._ki = ki
self._kd = kd
self._lastInput = 0
self._outputSum = 0
self.POnE = true
return self
Resets the PID to a zero start state.
function PID:Reset()
self._lastInput = 0
self._outputSum = 0
@param setpoint number -- The desired point to reach
@param input number -- The current inputted value
@return output: number
Calculates the new output based on the setpoint and input. For example,
if the PID was being used for a car's throttle control where the throttle
can be in the range of [0, 1], then the PID calculation might look like
the following:
local cruisePID =, 1, ...)
local desiredSpeed = 50
local throttle = cruisePID:Calculate(desiredSpeed, car.CurrentSpeed)
function PID:Calculate(setpoint: number, input: number)
local err = (setpoint - input)
local dInput = (input - self._lastInput)
self._outputSum += (self._ki * err)
if not self.POnE then
self._outputSum -= self._kp * dInput
self._outputSum = math.clamp(self._outputSum, self._min, self._max)
local output = 0
if self.POnE then
output = self._kp * err
output += self._outputSum - self._kd * dInput
output = math.clamp(output, self._min, self._max)
self._lastInput = input
return output
@param name string -- Folder name
@param parent Instance? -- Folder parent
Creates a folder that contains attributes that can be used to
tune the PID during runtime within the explorer.
:::info Studio Only
This will only create the folder in Studio. In a real game server,
this function will do nothing.
function PID:Debug(name: string, parent: Instance?)
if self._debug then
if not game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then
local folder ="Folder")
folder.Name = name
local function Bind(attrName, propName)
folder:SetAttribute(attrName, self[propName])
self[propName] = folder:GetAttribute(attrName)
Bind("Min", "_min")
Bind("Max", "_max")
Bind("KP", "_kp")
Bind("KI", "_ki")
Bind("KD", "_kd")
folder.Parent = parent or workspace
self._debug = folder
Destroys the PID. This is only necessary if calling `PID:Debug`.
function PID:Destroy()
if self._debug then
self._debug = nil
return PID