PivotTo() does not work from the server if an Instance is created from a local script

Okay, the problem is more serious than I thought. I thought it was only with the “HighLight” instance, but I’ve tested it with other instances and the error persists. I can’t change the CFrame of an instance (with PivotTo() or even with .CFrame). The problem is either with the physics engine, or there’s something in the engine I don’t even know exists.

Example of error replication:

-I add a HighLight instance from a local script

The position changes from the execution of a local script

-I change the CFrame from the server (with PivotTo() or :CFrame the error is the same)
ejecusion en el server

The CFrame doesn’t change either from what the user sees, much less from what the server sees. I found the error when creating an undo or redo position system because in my game you can select pieces and a highlight is added to the instance for the selection effect. When I saw that it only undid or redo the CFrame of the instance, I tried to replicate it from the server with pieces that have nothing to do with my system. So the error isn’t my code, it’s something strange with the engine. I hope it’s a bug and not that the Roblox engine works that way. Thanks for reading and excuse my English.

IMPORTANT: this disables my entire game, because if I use HightLight.Adornee it is the same result ;-;

What’s wrong here? If instance is created from local script, server won’t be able to see it, cuz it won’t be replicated.


I didn’t say that, I created one from the server and added a child or sibling to it from the local script (in this case, a highlight). The server script does execute PivotTo(), but the instance isn’t repositioned because it has a sibling/child created from a local script. I see I explained it poorly, because you already have 2 likes, which means they didn’t understand me. Is that clear now?


If you are talking about this:
Then Physical related properties WON’T change in that window, until part is re-selected. Physical properties have diffirent behavior among all others, to save on speed. Like each change check consumes N amount of CPU time, and Roblox has decided to skip it for: Position, Orientation, CFrame, AssemblyLinearVelocity, AssemblyAngularVelocity, cuz unlike many other properties, like Color, this ones can change 120 times per second, on each part.

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I’m using Translator. Hence, you’ll be able to read the flaws in my logic. Anyway, I’ve already recorded a video explaining why my conclusion is correct. But I’ll give you a preview of the problem in text. If the instance I want to move from the server has a sibling or child created locally, it doesn’t move it on the server. The line executes, but it remains in its CFrame, which was generated earlier upon creation or by a localScript.

For me it works perfectly fine, idk what issue you have. With studio tools, with scripts, with command line - all changes and behaves like needed.

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I restarted Studio and it was fixed :U That was weird. Thanks a lot.