Pixel art editor system

Hello, I am trying to make a 32x32 pixel art system but have no idea what to do. I tried to use viewportframes with parts but I had no idea how to detect part clicks and also don’t want to have 1024 buttons in the gui. How should I do this?

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Hi! If you just need to detect clicks, use this:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local frame = script.Parent
local moved

for i,v in pairs(frame:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("ViewportFrame") then
			moved = v
			moved = nil

	if moved ~= nil then
		--interact function

I will try this tomorrow as I am about to go to sleep. thanks!

Oh I need to be able to change the color of the part inside the viewportframe. How can I do this?

I just found out you cant interact with the parts inside the viewportframes.

I keep searching and I can’t find anything I really need help.

Try this script:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local frame = script.Parent
local moved
local last

for i,v in pairs(frame:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("ViewportFrame") then
			moved = v

			moved = nil

	if moved ~= nil then
		if moved ~= last then
			--if you need to get a part
			moved:FindFirstChild("PART").Color = Color3.new(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
			--if you need to get a model
			local model = moved:FindFirstChild("MODEL")
			local partInside = model:FindFirstChild("PART")
			partInside.Color = Color3.new(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
	last = moved

I think that would only change the color of one single part called “PART”

yeah. If you need something more, just write

I have a 32x32 grid of pixels and want a painting system. What you showed me wont work.

Did you place this script into the frame that is board?

I am so confused where am I supposed to the script and where is the viewportframe and where are the parts in it?

Frame that have viewportframes

I have 1 viewportframe with 1024 parts inside of it.

uhhhh, wha? How does this work? Can you show me explorer?

I have a viewportframe with a ton of parts. the parts are the pixels. I am trying to make it so you can change the color of the parts by dragging over them.

can you show me ur screen? sdfhdtherhehj

I have a script to duplicate a part and position it.

like this?

All right next to each other to look smooth like this: