Pixelated text on PC

Hello everyone, I have almost completed the current game I am working on and while testing on different platforms I find that TextLables on Mobile devices are a lot sharper while the same on PC is a lot more pixelated.

The problem is best seen on even smaller texts:


Look at the bottom right stating the time and version.


Look at the bottom right stating the time and version.


Look at the text.


Look at the text.

Both the devices are running on max graphics.

If this is some settings issue please correct me.

The camera distance for both the devices are same, I’m using a part as a camera for this test.

I think it’s because the Monitor is small for the text to fit in (?)

I don’t think that is the case here.

I made alot of GUIs with tiny size, it lowers the graphics of the Text.
Sometimes when i use RichText is makes it a little bit better

I do get that but if that would be the case why would it be a lot more pixelated on one device and a lot sharper on another? It also isnt like im making the text lable smaller for different screen sizes, its a Surface Gui with the same size and position for every device. (I’m no expert on this topic so please correct me if I am wrong,)

I think i found a Topic that can help you

I’ll quickly try this solution and update you.

If the text becomes small, try activating “RichText”

While trying this solution the whole GUI gets smaller.

wait it’s a image? it looked like it was separate.
well try resizing it (the image)

There is no room for resizing the object. If I even try so it will bleed onto the main screen.

Nvm I just understood what you meant.

I was talking about resizing the “BackGround” image since everything inside would be resized with it

Yeah I just understood what that meant.

Welp everything inside does not resize.

I’ll resize everything and update you if there is any difference.

you could try to use “Scale” instead of “Offset” in the Size

but then you would need to resize everything so don’t do it

I’ve tried resizing everything, looking at other posts, increasing canvas size and pixels per stud, nothing seems to be working.

I would say the size of the monitor is the issue of why the text comes out in a lower quality.

I guess that could not be the problem, if it was why isn’t the text pixelated on mobile devices?

Maybe because on mobile there is less pixel on the screen then on monitor… Or no I would say it’s the resolution. Let’s compare mobile screen and monitor screen, they have size rations.