TextLabel is Low Quality on a Surface GUI

So, I’m making this Working Computer and I decided to put it in a SurfaceGui rather than a ScreenGui. However, the TextLabel is low quality.

I know that this is already been in the DevForum. But, I can’t find the CanvasSpace or CanvasSize and switching to FixedSize did nothing at all.

What I do know is that the TextLabel is getting better quality if i make it bigger. Which is what I am trying to avoid because I am doing something more like this:

Sorry if the Screenshot is Low Quality .-.

The Images are fine as you can see at the top right corner and the bottom left corner.
And I don’t have any problem at the TextLabel when it is in a ScreenGui.


I believe Roblox compresses your image and your image is probably stretched. I don’t think there is a way to get around compression.


I was talking about the TextLabel. But Thanks for the Info!. Although the PowerButton Image is Cropped not Stretched.

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On the SurfaceGui object (properties panel) there should be a sizing section with a PixelsPerStud property. Try playing with that (larger numbers should make the text less pixelated for attached labels).


Tried it and Woah:

Thank you so much!
I really appreciate it!


I don’t know where to find PixelsPerStud property i don’t have it on there

It’s still there. Make sure you have the SurfaceGui object selected and not something inside like a Frame. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Properties window to the “Sizing” section.

alright thank you
For one second i though it was in TextObject :sweat_smile:

you’re amazing (def not 3 years late)