Place Configuration Page Back Navigation Has Missing Menu Items

Whenever navigating backwards from configuring a place on mobile, the options for the experience’s sub-menus are incomplete.

They exclude several different menus, but the most painful part for me is that the real-time menus are excluded.

(I am often on the go and change a thumbnail and want to quickly navigate to performance to see how its doing, but this bug makes that much harder than it needs to be.)

[Place Configure Page]

[Experience Sub-Menu From Place Configure Page]

[Complete Experience Sub-Menu From Experience Configure Page]

Another thing I want to note here:

This is the 4th front-end bug report I have filed about the creator dashboard.

The others were very basic things like redirect buttons passing params with typos in them.

It feels like there are many features that just were not tested for proper functionality before release, which I want to make note of because these 4 are just the ones I’ve found and there are likely even more in the menus I personally don’t use.

I’d like to encourage whoever is in charge of this to maybe arrange for some QA in the future or to just go click all the buttons yourself before pushing to production.

Issues like this one have been plaguing me (and likely other devs) for a while, but they’re often easy enough to circumvent and thus don’t get reported until someone with some free time comes along and does a whole write-up for it.

Page URL:[GAME_ID]/places/[PLACE_ID]/configure

Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket filed and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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This issue should be resolved now. Thanks for reporting!

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