Place fails to appear in Continue & Favorites

Reproduction Steps

A place on my alt account, DIRT Freeplay does not show up in the “Continue” and “Favorites” sort of the Roblox Home Page.

Simply play the game or favorite the game, and then head over to the home page. It will NOT show up in either of those sorts.

Expected Behavior

I expect the game to show up in Favorites when favorited and show up in Continue after I’ve played it.

Actual Behavior

The game is not featured in the sorts that it’s supposed to.

Extra Info
This issue is similar to what happened to another one of my games a short while ago. I made a bug report here about that time.

I’ve tested the reproduction steps listed above both on my main account, GeorgeOfAIITrades, as well as the place owner account, DIRTFreeplay, and neither had the game appear in the listed sorts above.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-18 22:10:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-19 00:10:00 (-07:00)


It also happened to my main account, but it finally appear by waiting. Sometimes it work when closing then reopening Roblox tab.

I think this happens because you released the game today

Did you change it to public?


The game has been public for months.
I just recently actually started building it out.

It used to just be a singular spawn by itself.

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DIRT Freeplay now appears in the sorts, however, appears twice in my Favorites.
Removing my favorite from the game, only removes one of the two favorite slots.

This usually happens if the experience you’ve played or favourited is new, but yours isn’t so that’s a little strange. I’ve tested it out myself and it actually appears to be working for me for regular games.

Hi, thanks for the report. I am unable to reproduce the issue on my end. Are you still experiencing this?

I also ran into this issue a few days ago when we launched a demo game.

It did not appear on “Continue” until a day after we had closed the demo. I originally thought this was because it was set to “Group Only” access but that doesn’t seem to be the case

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The game in question above now shows up in sorts but if I favorite it, it shows up twice in favorites, and when it’s unfavorited, it’s still in my favorites sort (1x)

If there is an intention to put games not on continue and favorites when they are “new”, that intended behavior needs to be changed.

From the time I played the server to it showing up in sorts was ~6 days.

yes this is happening right now my game doesn’t appear in “Friend Activity” and “Continue” which is a huge issue for my game’s launch

I hope this is fixed soon so I can have a smooth release, the situation is already bad enough with Roblox changing how “Sponsored Games” work

Thanks for the replies. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


Thanks for reporting! There was a known issue where certain experiences wouldn’t show up on these sorts due to the previous trust and safety logic. An update has been shipped and I was able to confirm that this experience indeed show up as expected.


wasn’t this… from 10 months ago?

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Hey @mono_izuku - we’re going through old bug reports, cleaning things up, making sure we’ve addressed everything. Going to close out the thread.