Placement Orientation Align

How do I make an Auto Align for my placement system? Where the orientation changes based on where it is being set.

Video example (Game name: Anomic):

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After messing around for some time, I think I figured out the solution.

RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = FilterTable
RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude

local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(MouseRay.Origin, MouseRay.Direction * MouseDistanceThreshold, RayParams)
if RaycastResult then
	local TargetPos = FixClip(Object.PrimaryPart, RaycastResult)
	local FixCFrameNormal = * TargetNormal

	Object:PivotTo(, FixCFrameNormal.Position))

Note that due it is using look vector, then whatever is the front of the hitbox will be the β€œTop”

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