Planetary Simulation (w/o physics)

i made a planetary simulation (w/o physics) out of boredom
there are 6 planets with somewhat accurate astronomical data (and a supernova thingie)

what do you think about it?


pretty cool, is there gravity factored in? with other planets + the sun?

yes there is gravitational attraction

I like it! Only thing is that the sun is always moving. Even if it doesn’t move around the planets the sun moves through outerspace dragging the planets along with it. It just doesn’t look right to see it say 0 km. Also why does it say -km, wouldn’t it always be positive? Other than that looks pretty good!

the sun itself is actually orbiting jupiter which creates a point called the “barycenter”

sorry about that, i forgot to get the absolute value

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I added 4 new planets, and the 3 biggest asteroid in the asteroid belt!