Planeterium: A 2014 styled, galaxy exploration survival game

What am I working on?
I am working on a planet game where you can visit other planets and build structures.
The game has a 2014 style with the meshes and textures being from mostly 2014 sources including the 2014 Egg Hunt. Please enjoy this 15 minute gameplay of my game.
(Fullscreen is prefered)

All the tools in the game ARE fully fixed to FE. Including the FE hopperbins fixed by CloneTrooper1019, they act close to the original tools and work seamlessly.

Not only that, every single part that is unanchored has custom scripted physics that allow them to stick to a planet when in range, when it leaves the gravitational pull of the planet it will float around and wander in space forever (if the part doesn’t fall into the gravitational pull of another planet)

And the last thing finally if that if you purchase a VIP server on this game you get access to a custom made admin panel that allows you to modify the game and practically be in creative mode and do anything.

Here is a screenshot of a martian factory that produced fuel I made in this game.

And finnally here is my house I made back in the EXTREMELY old versions of this game.

So now you watched it, come and play it!
Since my goal for this game is to get at least around 10 active players, please invite your friends!


I would very enjoy if you left a comment on your expierience with this game!

pretty cool game! altough the gravity system is wonky i really like the concept, one thing i didn’t like is how you essentially get banned from the server if you die (tried playing with a friend) but besides that cool game

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Im glad you enjoyed it! Yes, the gravity system is wonky but it is needed for making spacecrafts (in a later update). Maybe I should turn down the death punishments as they are a bit harsh because I thought giving death in this game a consequence would make the game feel more immersive because taking risks will actually be a risk.

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Since I want to keep that feeling of risk, im not too sure I’ll remove it in a later update. But I’ll check everyones feelings before deciding.

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Alright, my game has been having a little sudden pickup in players so im going to begin doing these updates:

1: Wiring update
2: Configurations update
3: Weather update
4: Wildlife update
5: PVP update
6: Exploration update

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This would be an awesome community resource if it was ever open sourced! I really liked how the game played, and it sure did remind me of the 2014 era of Roblox.

Keep up the great work!

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I may open source my building tools as all of the old 2014 Roblox building tools only work for filtering disabled. I had a really hard time fixing the BuildDragger tool because of one single depricated function that was used for filtering disabled. Instance.Lock() And Instance.Unlock() like seriously! There is absolute ZERO doccumentation for this stuff! So bassically when your fixing old building tools you always have to go off the rails figuring out how to fix this stuff. For anybody wandering what these functions are:

in filtering disabled, Instance.Lock(instance) allows the client to lock a specific instance only for them. This means that all the other clients trying to edit the properties of that instance WONT replicate until Instance.Unlock(instance) is called from the client that locked the instance in the first place. This is used so 2 players cant drag the same object at the same time.

What I really want to know, is how you made your gravity controller. (YouTube tutorials, etc) and if it would work with smooth terrain?

Been really wanting something like this for a project I’m planning on doing, would be greatly appreciated any tips or anything you have or how you made it.

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A simple rundown of how it works, you get a body gyro attached to the humanoidrootpart which will reorientate it, and then a bodythrust or vectorforce which will act like your gravity. I prefer you use vector force.

I’m going to cry. This is so beautiful
Please do something with it.
Nostalgia 10/10
Gameplay reminds me of the old minecraft pre-alphas, also 10/10
Game engine also works so cool and I love the physics and the little planet youre on, though I dont like the fact you can climb on ANY objects, but maybe it was intended. 7/10
It just needs more content


Your in luck! This is gonna be my next major game release I think. Im gonna add WAY more parts and stuff to play with, including more weapons. There are other planets you will be able to visit and colonise when I finish the wiring and rockets update.

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Im not gonna lie, this game feels amazing on late game nights. If there was a server with like 19 people playing this game, it would be very peaceful and fun.

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If you ever need scripting help, feel free to message me
I’m really interesting in this game

I might as well do! I might need help scripting a weather and daylight system for a a planet because well, you know, your walking on a sphere and there are different sections of the planet that have a different timezone.

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Thanks! This will help me greatly with making my own gravity controller system for a small little test project of mine!

Your welcome! You will have to recode some certain things like the camera unless you set camera mode to orbit. My first gravity controller was a DISASTER completely and worked only like 8% of the time.

:laughing: Thanks for the tips, I’ll keep those in mind when making mine.

UPDATE 1: Building parts now have their own scripted gravity, if in range of a planet they will simulate gravity on that planet all around. If it succeeds 1500 studs the part will float in space on their own until they come in contact with another planet. This update also makes placing parts unanchored by default.

UPDATE 2: :hammer_and_wrench::gear: Wiring and configuration is here! :hammer_and_wrench::gear: The update comes with two new objects, a wiring lever and a rocket booster.

Im loving the game! i think it just lacks of tutorial and sometimes theres a bug where u spawn on top of trees and u cant move but its awesome! :DD