My game has been dwindling slowly in players, it used to be 25-40 CCU a while ago, now its hit 5-15, which is detrimental to the future of my game if not taken care of, thats why im fully planning to release my game out of early access on march 8th, at 4:00 PM EST. Flamethrower Engine! - Roblox
More info about my game’s struggles recentally can be explained here → Does roblox want my game to fail? PLEASE HELP!
First, i will release the features on the game’s “opening” (aka out of early access), such as fully fledged quests, a custom building world, where a user can freely build their structures, which would be in development, and more satisfying early game tools to keep the player hooked a bit longer. Im not going to throw in any scummy hooking strategy’s like tons of p2w robux popups and false misleading prizes, since this will only attract one audience that i already hate, and am dealing with, <9 players. I would also risk my game being disliked massively, dont wanna do that!
Secondly, at 5:00 PM EST, an hour after the release and making sure nothing is buggy, ads will automatically run with a daily one day budget of 5K, if this is bad, please suggest a different tatic, i have barely any wallet help and my game’s revenue is pretty bad. Hopefully after, and during the ad, players can get to experience more polished gameplay style with a more humane hooking style, and roblox’s algo will see this, and think “oh wow, this game kinda have a glow up ngl ill promote this”, and then it will throw impressions more often at a vast playerbase.
Third, I will wait, obviously patch bugs, and ask for feedback from players. Thats all, if you read thru this, hopefully this can either point out flaws or good tatics that ive explained or expressed.
I would like brutal truth and realization, but at the same time, motivation comes from gracious tips that wont majorly affect my game’s brand or style. I will not being changing the game’s name nor adding a very game changing mechanic that alters from the vision that comes from my mind. I would want a game like bee swarm, but not all simular to bustling player counts, where users can progress, freely explore the game’s systems, and progress thru a quest line. I want a game where users would be like, “oh wow this game’s cool, i should play this game with my friend tomarrow”
Ill end it off here, please give tips, ive been going thru a lot, sorry if this is a stupid post lol
have a great day <3
(ps. does slight FOMO work when attempting to promote big but optional event things, like a (RELEASE) behind the title name? as well, if i had tons of players playing at once from a high winning bid amount, would that create fomo for other users to play the game as well? or would that be inconsiderate and risky.)