Plasma Security Division Handbook and Guide
Welcome to the Plasma Security Division handbook. You may find information regarding the group’s rules and procedures here.
Rules & Warnings
All security members must follow these rules whilst on-duty at any Plasma facility.
Main Rules
- Security members are considered on-duty while on the security team.
- When on the security team, you are required to always protect the reactor. Do not attempt to or encourage others to cause blowouts, meltdowns or blackouts.
- Force should only be used when a visitor has reached 3 warnings.
- You must remain professional while on duty. Don’t act immaturely. Inappropriate behavior is not allowed.
- You cannot become a mutant while on duty. (BHNPS)
- You may not use the !hiderank command while on-duty, unless permission has been given by a Trainer+.
- Only Tier 2+ are allowed to issue a Kill on Sight (KoS) order.
- Certain people that have met the following conditions are automatically Kill on Sight:
- Armed rebels.
- Mutants.
- Any non-security member with the “Stolen Gun” weapon who is actively being hostile. (PIURL)
- You must only warn for incidents that are dangerous to the facility or for taser abuse. If a person is breaking other rules (such as exploiting, spamming, etc), report them to a Trainer+ or Supervisor+.
- You cannot spawn-camp or actively chase a KoS user. You are recommended to only kill them if they are doing something that is warnable.
- You may not issue lockdowns, or restrict access to any area, unless told to by a Trainer+.
- You may only have one account in PSD. If you need to change accounts, contact a Trainer+.
- If a security member is abusing weapons such as the raid loadout, and multiple other security members decide that the abuser is too dangerous, force may be used on the abuser. A Trainer+ must be notified about this before using force. It must be reported before using force.
- The radio should only be used to communicate important information. Casual conversations are not allowed. (examples: KoS requests/notifications, backup, critical temperature for reactor, etc.)
- You should not utilize any of your equipment to kill the Equipment Vendor while on-duty. This includes pushing the vendor out of the bunker.
BHNPS Raid Rules
- Rebels are only Kill on Sight by default during a raid. Rebels outside of raids are to be treated as visitors.
- You may not go beyond the fence during a raid or stand on top of the bunker, on top of the entrance to the underground rock or on the main building roof to shoot incoming rebels.
- You cannot spawn-camp the rebel spawn. This includes shooting in the direction of their base. The rebel vent exit is also considered a spawn.
Violating any of these rules may lead to point deductions, demotions, or exile.
You may report rule violators in the #security-abuse-reports channel of our Discord server.
If you have been exiled from the Security Division, you may appeal at the Plasma Defense Network appeals server. The invite to join this server may be found through the social links on the PDN group. Once joined, create a ticket and use the security exile template from the #appeal-info channel. Keep note that you can only appeal once, second exiles are permanent.
All security members should use the warning system prior to using force.
When do I warn?
- You may issue warnings to a visitor for doing anything that endangers the reactors or the resonance beam (example: disabling coolant pumps) or for tasering people. (BHNPS)
- You must be on-duty to warn players. Do not issue warnings/swarns while on the visitor team.
How do I warn and what do I do?
- If you’re a Trainee:
- You may issue a warning by saying it in chat, using the following or a similar format: “Warning [number], [player], [reason]”. Such as “Warning 1, Fozzington, disabling coolant pumps”
- On the first warning, if the warning was related to a reasoning of blocking access to enable/disable equipment, you may use a Riot Shield or Taser to move them.
- Once the visitor has reached 3 warnings, you may use lethal force on them once when they next do something that warrants a warning.
- After warning three, the requirement is reduced to one warning before the visitor performs a second action and can then be killed.
- The process will be:
- For the first three warnable actions by the visitor, a warning shall be issued
- The visitor does a warnable thing → Kill
- The visitor does a warnable thing → Warning 4
- The visitor does a warnable thing → Kill
- Repeat the last two as necessary until a KoS order is issued
- Kill on Sight: If a visitor gets 7 or more warnings, a Tier 2+ can issue a “Kill on Sight”/”KoS” order. This means that you don’t need to warn the visitor anymore to use lethal force. As mentioned above, you must not actively chase or spawn-camp a KoS person.
- If you’re a Recruit+:
- The same rules as above apply, but you warn using the !swarn command, like this:
“!swarn [username] [reason]” - A message will appear on the top of your screen. It will show who you warned and how many warnings they currently have.
- Use the !swarns command to show a list of all current security warnings in the server and their IDs.
- Use the !undoswarn [ID] command to remove any security warning if they were accidentally issued.
- The same rules as above apply, but you warn using the !swarn command, like this:
Warnings & KoS only apply to the server they were issued in. They do not transfer to other servers.
The radio is only available to Recruit+ only. Trainees may read the radio, but cannot use it.
To talk in the radio, you can either:
- Press T or click the red dot. Every message you send after that will be sent on the radio. The same may be done to turn the radio off again.
- Put /r or /radio at the beginning of your message. The message will only appear on the radio and not in chat. (example: “/r Beepo”)
The security uniform is free for all members in-game. You can access it by saying !uniform in chat. There are other custom versions of the uniforms that can be bought from the Plasma Security Division group store, which allow slight color modifications. Wearing the uniform or any variant on your avatar will automatically team you when you join.
If you aren’t able to access chat or PRISM hasn’t been loaded, you may find a uniform giver in the security room at BHNPS or the Security Sector at PIURL.
Only Trainer+ are allowed to wear custom uniforms. Making or using custom security uniforms via shirt/pants templates is not allowed for any lower rank. This does not include accessories such as hats. Packages may be used alongside the uniform as long as the torso of the uniform is visible.
The goal of security is to protect the RBMK reactor/resonance beam within the facility they are patrolling: Optimal status should be:
Broken Hill Nuclear Power Station;
- be at a normal pressure, preferably 1000 PSI, however, it’s fine as long as it isn’t overpressure or underpressure.
- be at a normal temperature, preferably 250°C, it’s fine as long as not too warm or cold.
Plasma Underground Research Labs;
- be at an ideal temperature of <0°C, as long as it doesn’t reach >2500°C.
To maintain the temperature and pressure of the reactors in BHNPS:
- You may use the pressure valves at the lowest level in the main building to control pressure.
- Feedwater pumps located next to the stairwell on the ground level should be enabled unless the reactor is too cold. (1/2 is ideal, but 2/2 is safe if the temperature is too high)
- Only two out of three coolant pumps for each reactor, located at the second lowest level in the main building, should be enabled. (Having three all at once will cause a coolant leak.)
- Bypass this if the reactor’s temperature is too high as a last resort, making sure to keep on top of coolant leaks.
- Fix coolant leaks by using a toolbox, which can be found through givers around the map. Click on the burst area and it will repair it.
- Coolant leaks will cause the coolant level to decrease, drastically increasing temperature at low levels.
- Keep control rods within the reactor room at 60%, unless pressure or temperature is too low or high.
- Use the waste processing within the underground to decrease or increase pressure.
- Use the fuel production within the underground to decrease or increase temperature.
- Blackouts due to both reactors being below 250 PSI will disable all cooling elements aside for valves. Do not let this happen.
- The coolant flow valves should always be on as they refill the vital coolant level for the reactors.
To maintain the temperature of the resonance beam in PIURL:
- Coolant pumps near the control room can be enabled to decrease temperature.
- Setting the power source to the generator instead of the resonance beam can decrease temperature.
- Fuel pumps located in the abandoned sector can be used to accelerate temperature increase. One will always be enabled. Leave the second one disabled.
- Switch between oil tanks to ensure the facility doesn’t lose power as they deplete overtime. If the facility loses power, temperature monitoring will be disabled. This prevents you from seeing the current beam temperature.
- Temperature monitoring can be re-enabled through the control room in the maintenance sector.
You may use the tutorials found in the menu of both games for more information.
Ranks & Equipment
The first rank obtained by joining the group. Receives a basic baton.
Requires 5 points. Receives radio access, an improved baton, a Riot Shield and access to the !swarn command.
Tier 1
Requires 15 points. Receives a Riot Shotgun, a Five-Seven pistol and 3 prongs for the Taser.
Tier 2
Requires 30 points. Receives the M4A1 and KrissSV guns. Has permission to issue verbal Kill on Sight and the ability to lift lockdown doors within PIURL.
Tier 3
Requires 45 points, and an application. Receives the KoS Marker tool to visually mark people KoS, a T3 Shield and the responsibility of managing the group’s join requests.
Selected by Security Overseers with advice from current Trainers & Council, and must be a Tier 3 prior. Trainers are administrators. They host trainings and patrols and maintain the day-to-day operations of PSD.
Security Overseer
Handpicked by the Security Director with approval of the Council. Overseers supervise what’s happening in the group, discuss trainer promotions, and handle other administrative and moderative affairs within PSD.
Security Director
Handpicked by the Plasma Inc. Director with approval of the Council. The current Security Director is Gonow32.
Trainings and Patrols
Security members may receive points by participating in trainings and patrols hosted by those at the rank of Trainer or above. These events, lasting anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours, can earn members 1 point for active participation. Security members who show exceptional performance during these events may receive 2 points (for patrols, the duration must have been more than 1 hour to qualify). In rare cases, security members can also receive points while on-duty and being observed by a Trainer+.
Patrols are held in public servers, whilst trainings are held in private servers unless they are hosted at the training facility. Events do not have a fixed schedule and are hosted by Trainer+ at any time.
Security members may find when and where these events are held in the PSD Discord server, or through the event board that can be found in the admin building at BHNPS, and the Training Facility.
Points and Promotions
Points can be checked in game by typing !showpoints, or by saying ;sp in any Plasma Discord server. If a member has enough points for a promotion, they will be automatically ranked by a Trainer.