Plates of Fate: Remastered - Update Log

Update log for Plates of Fate: Remastered


  • Added 5 new rounds types: Happy Home, House Arrest, No Armor, No Usables, and Scrambled Plates
  • Added 96 new auras
  • Added 50 new icons
  • Added 18 new emotes
  • Added a new arcade machine: Sweeper :moneybag::bomb:
  • Added “Recycle Bin” plate event which allows you to recycle your gears in exchange for a different gear or potential trash
  • Added “Garbage Can” plate event which allows you to throw away unwanted gears
  • Added a way to save players attached to fireworks and time bombs, but it comes at a cost…
  • Added 3 new commands to private servers:
    • “!getitems” gives you every aura, icon, and emote in the game
    • “!removeitems” removes every aura, icon, and emote from your inventory
    • “!givecoins [Amount]” gives you an amount of coins that you specify
  • Added more settings
  • Added a rule board to the lobby :nerd_face: (literally 1984)
  • After 3 custom rounds, the server now adds a random round in the queue instead of it always being a “Normal” one
  • Re-enabled ragdolling (hopefully it doesn’t randomly break this time :D)
  • Rare gift box odds are now 1 in 8 instead of 1 in 10
  • Big Plates, Mini Plates, and Random Sizes can now be combined with Giant Plate, Plate vs. Plate, Team Plates, Rocket Arena, and Sword Fight on the Heights
  • Plate vs. Plate can now be combined with Rocket Arena and Sword Fight on the Heights
  • Claw machines, sharks, and Death Notes now spawn closer to players
  • Chance buttons now have more choices
  • Pick Your Poison now has more choices
  • Minimum amount of required betting entries reduced from 10 to 5
  • Minimum amount of coins to enter a bet increased from 5 to 500
  • Tsunamis, sharks, and ships now occasionally spawn during “The Sea” round types
  • Dust Devils now occasionally spawn during “Sandstorm” round types
  • Icicles now occasionally rain from the sky during “Blizzard” round types
  • “Retirement Home” round types now give players black and white vision
  • The “Junkyard” round type now has a chance to spawn garbage cans
  • Thumbtacks are now able to pop placeable force fields
  • Players now start with force fields on “Lava Spinner” rounds
  • The classic tree from PoF:M has a chance to spawn during the “Grow Tree” plate event
  • Made fireworks launch you in the direction the firework is pointed towards rather than just going straight up
  • Death Notes are no longer case sensitive and accept display names
  • Added a limit to the amount of particles lava can make to prevent lag
  • Buffed airstrikes: The size of the explosion now scales with the plate’s size
  • Buffed Electric Bug Zappers: Increased damage and they can now short-circuit tesla coils
  • Buffed Regen Coils: Now heals 3.5 health per second instead of 3
  • Buffed toxic waste: Now deals 4 damage per second instead of 2
  • Explosive Pie changes: Now deals 40 damage and has a larger hitbox
  • Poison Bomb changes: Now deals 20 damage every 2.5 seconds instead of a percent of your current health
  • Bat changes: Increased damage and they now ignore players that have a lantern equipped
  • Patched banana jumping :x::banana: (this patch was also applied to caltrops, don’t you dare think about it)
  • Fixed not being able to teleport when attached to a ball and chain
  • Fixed shock collars breaking when your plate returns to normal
  • Fixed individual players showing up on the round report and lobby statues during team rounds if they reset before the game started
  • Fixed the portal spawned by the “The Snatcher” event spawning completely outside of the arena (will still slightly clip through the arena sometimes, but not as much)
  • Minor bug fixes and changes


  • Revamped guis (this includes viewing stats and other info about someone, a server list, new settings, a search bar and a filter for the shop, being able to save custom round types and custom plate icons, and much more :D)
  • Added 16 new events
  • Added 4 new round types
  • Added 5 new badges
  • Added 7 new auras: Abyssal Tendril (created by @BarelyBranded), Cottontail Charmer (created by @danncie & @TheLoadingTree), Fiery Lead (created by @hitmanazu), Gravekeeper’s Wings (created by @BigBubbaBrock), Kings Orbit (created by @BindingObstruction), Nights Shade (created by @S1RIUS_B), and Wawacat (created by @GovernorRed)
  • Added “Laser Cannon” player event (allows you to fire a laser in any direction, damage and blast size increasing the longer you charge)
  • Added “Plate Guardian” plate event (a machine spawns on a plate which protects the plate owner and their teammates and shoots lasers at enemies; there’s a “Placeable Plate Guardian” player event as well to place your own)
  • Added “Meteor Staff” player event (click anywhere and meteors will rain down in that area; a rare variant of this exists…)
  • Added “Thornmaker” plate event (a strange alien plant spawns on a plate, slowly growing up to 8 thorns which damage players on contact; it seems to be capable of planting seeds on plates, surely they’re harmless…)
  • Added “Flame Orbs” arena event (2-4 orbs spawn that shoot fireballs at random nearby players and despawn after 1 minute)
  • Added “Lava Pillars” arena event (3-6 lava pillars rise from the void, killing players on contact)
  • Added “Giant Revolver” arena event (a giant revolver spawns and aims at random players, attempting to shoot up to 6 times until a shot is fired)
  • Added “Handcuffed” player event (a player is handcuffed, has their speed decreased, and is unable to jump, and unable to use gears, the only way to escape is to have someone lockpick it or lose your arms; there’s a “Handcuffs” player event as well that gives you a gear to place handcuffs on another player)
  • Added “Arrow Barrage” arena event (50-100 arrows spawn and each arrow targets a random player dealing 60 damage and instakill if it lands a headshot; explosives can be triggered by arrows)
  • Added “Empty Bag” player event (allows you to steal a random gear from someone’s inventory)
  • Added “Bomb Watch” player event (you’re given a watch and the timer starts if you leave your plate, going back to your plate stops and resets the timer)
  • Added “Max Selected Increase” arena event (increases max selection per event, max is 10)
  • Added “Energy Drink” player event (gives +5 speed for 60 seconds)
  • Added a “JumpPower Increase” and “JumpPower Decrease” player event (your jump changes by 3-15)
  • Added “Crossroads” round type (everyone spawns in the classic Crossroads map with 7 classic gears: Sword, Rocket Launcher, Timebomb, Slingshot, Superball, Trowel, and a Paintball Gun)
  • Added “Doomspire Brickbattle” round type (everyone spawns in the classic Doomspire Brickbattle map with 6 classic gears: Sword, Rocket Launcher, Timebomb, Slingshot, Superball, and a Trowel)
  • Added “Doomspire” round type (similar to “Happy Home”, everyone spawns on a random plate with the classic Doomspire building in the center of the map)
  • Added “Skyscraper” round type (similar to “Happy Home”, everyone spawns on a random plate with a classic skyscraper in the center of the map)
  • Team killing is now removed (you can still kill teammates with explosives since this can’t be prevented, the only exception to this is explosives that deal damage rather than exploding your character such as sticky bombs and rocket launchers)! Alongside this I added icons that appear above your teammates so you aren’t confused when someone isn’t taking damage from you.
  • You can now pause events in private servers using the console (note: this only pauses events, effects from round types will continue)
  • Betting is now gui-based and no longer occurs in private servers
  • Thumbtacks can now pop marbles (you can also pop your own marble)
  • Spiders now break off a limb if you survive being on a web
  • Toxic waste barrels can now explode
  • Freeze rays now explode frost barrels
  • Hot potatoes now deal less damage if you’re wearing the Firefighter armor
  • Fixed lag spike that occurs when opening the shop
  • Fixed the ball from the “Ball and Chain” player event causing gravity coils to add too much force
  • Fixed coins clipping through plates (this still happens if the coins spawn extremely high, can’t really do much about it blame physics lol)
  • Fixed a bug where speed/jump don’t properly set back after being hit by a tsunami, being turned old, etc.
  • Fixed not being able to use controls, chance buttons, etc. when grass and other objects without collision are in the way
  • Minor changes and bug fixes


  • Added “Holes” round type (every plate spawns with a hole in it)
  • The Sweeper arcade machine now displays the number of bombs that are near the box that you clicked on (only counts bombs that are above, below, right, and left)
  • Buildings (Crossroads, Doomspires, Happy Home, Skyscraper, etc.) can now be destroyed more accurately (e.g. falling over when hit by an explosion rather than having parts float in the air)
  • Objects now spawn on the edges of plates that have holes
  • The teleport gear now lets you teleport where you click on a plate rather than the center
  • Safety nets now teleport you on the edge of a plate rather than the center
  • Spawning on “Wacky Plates” rounds should be less janky
  • Fixed plate guardians attacking teammates
  • Fixed sometimes dying to your own tron trail after returning to normal
  • Fixed certain gears not working on plates that have holes (Teleport, Airstrike Radio, etc.)
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Revamped lobby to have a summertime theme :beach_umbrella:
  • Added a badge and aura for 30 million visits, they will be available from now until July 2 :partying_face:


  • Revamped lobby to have a Halloween theme :jack_o_lantern: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Ghost Summoner” aura (created by @hitmanazu). Every October, players have a 1 in 3 chance of dropping a soul when killed. Collecting 31 souls gives you the aura. :ghost:
  • Plants in the lobby now change based on the season


  • The lobby as well as some events and gears have been revamped to have a Christmas theme :christmas_tree: (lobby and reskins created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 10 new events
  • Added “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” aura (created by @artemisfits). It’s obtained by gifting a present to 7 people during December. :gift:
  • Added “Winter Breeze” aura (created by @hitmanazu). During December, snowflakes rain from the sky during every round. Collecting 50 gives you the aura. :snowflake:
  • Added “Present” player event (Player is given a present. Opening it gives a random gear with a 25% chance to get a random cosmetic. There’s also an option to gift it to someone else. Limited to December.)
  • Added “Turn to Snow” plate event (Plate turns to snow, slowing anyone touching it. Standing on it for too long will freeze them in ice for 30 seconds.)
  • Added “Snowball Launcher” player event
  • Added “Coal” player event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Snowball” player event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Hot Chocolate” player event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Candy Cane” player event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Grow Christmas Tree” plate event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Snowman” player event (Limited to December)
  • Added “Jingle Bells” plate event (Limited to December)
  • Snowballs are now sold in the Usables section in the shop every December
  • Added “Mint” gift box. It has a 1 in 25 chance of spawning, giving one of each cosmetic type. This variant is limited to December.
  • The “Gift Box” arena event now spawns 2-6 gifts instead of 1-4 and they spawn closer to players
  • Cargo ships have a 1 in 150 chance of spawning from the Ship arena event. They contain 13 boxes, each containing 7-15 crates. Cargo ship model created by @BigBubbaBrock.
  • Ships from the Ship arena event have a 1 in 50 chance of having 25-35 crates rather than the usual 6-15
  • Changed ship crate odds (Coins = 50%, Gear = 35%, and Cosmetic = 15%)
  • The All-Seeing Eye now spawns near players rather than staying at base level
  • Spider webs now spawn near players rather than in a random position
  • Minor changes/fixes


  • Revamped lobby for the game’s 2nd anniversary (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Party Time” aura (created by @artemisfits). It’s obtainable by joining the game during its anniversary (the time to get it will be extended to the rest of the year for this year, though).


  • Revamped lobby to have a Valentine’s theme :cupid: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 6 new events
  • Added 2 new auras for Valentine’s Week: “Cupid’s Love” (created by @artemisfits) and “The Power of Love” (created by @BigBubbaBrock)
  • Added “Peacekeeper’s Staff” player event
  • Added “Stat Booster” player event
  • Added “Cupid’s Sword” player event (Limited to Valentine’s Week)
  • Added “Healing Ray Gun” player event (Limited to Valentine’s Week)
  • Added “Heart Balloon” player event (Limited to Valentine’s Week)
  • Added “Valentine’s Cake” player event (Limited to Valentine’s Week)
  • Heart Ballons are now sold in the Usables section in the shop every Valentine’s Week
  • The spinner from the “Lava Spinner” round type now moves towards random plates instead of staying stuck at base level


  • Added 41 new events
  • Added 10 new round types: Colosseum, Fall Damage, Farm, Game Master, Hellzone, No Health Regen, No Jumping, Random Armor, Random Stats, Wild West
  • Added 64 new badges
  • Added 8 new arcade machines: Lucky Gears, Panel Match, Rocket Ride, Roller, Slot, Spinner, Turf, and Wheel of Fate (models created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 390 new auras (shop icons created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 265 new icons
  • Added 57 new emotes
  • Added 14 new armors
  • Added lounge area to lobby, currently it includes a sword fighting area and a sniper area
  • Added the ability to spawn different variants of events using the Spawn Event command in console
  • Added a search bar to the Create Round Type product in the shop as well as the Create Round Type, Spawn Event, and Tools commands in console
  • Added “Join Round” command to console which allows you to teleport back into the round from the lobby
  • Added a “Lobby Lighting” setting which disables ingame lighting changes while in the lobby
  • Added “Game Ambience” setting to disable background sounds from the round (ocean ambience, Spontaneous Combustion sounds, etc.)
  • Added kill count to the round info gui
  • Placeable objects can now be placed anywhere on a plate, including structures (underneath a plate, on top of the Happy Home, in a tree, etc.)
  • Replaced Roblox explosions with custom explosions. There should be no visual difference between the two, however this does mean that: the explosion bug should be fixed now (where players appear stuck in midair on your screen), explosions from teammates no longer affect you, and gears and hats are no longer blown away explosions.
  • Revamped betting. Rather than winners receiving a portion of the total coins bet, they now receive the coins they bet multiplied by the ratio of total bets to the number of winners. For example, if 5 players entered a bet and you’re the only one to win, your reward would be your bet times 5. If you and 2 other people won, your reward would be your bet times 5/3. The minimum amount you can bet is now 1k and the max has been set to 100k.
  • Updated the profile gui. A new feature to quickly search for people in your server and also people that aren’t ingame was added (note that badge percents will display as 0% for players who haven’t joined the game yet and will temporarily be inaccurate on your profile when you join the game for the first time). The player list was also revamped and a few new stats were added.
  • Replaced the “Clear” button with a “Remove” button when creating round types. Clicking now removes the most recent round added to the round type instead of clearing the entire thing (this can still be done by double clicking the button).
  • You can now type “creator:Name” in the shop’s search bar to view items created by specific people
  • The “ez” badge is now given if you win the first game you play on any given day
  • The “The Big Win” badge is now given if you win 500k+ coins from any arcade machine
  • Sweeper now has a chance to spawn a diamond in place of a money bag (increases the multiplier by 3)
  • Arena events that target plates no longer occur when there aren’t any plates in the arena
  • Gear events no longer occur if no one in the round has arms
  • Lowered the minimum plate size from 1 stud to 0.5 studs
  • Teammates can no longer hand each other time bombs and hot potatoes
  • Falling objects and tsunamis can now break structures (Doomspire, Happy Home, etc.)
  • Bridges are now anchored and will unanchor when they are no longer touching either of the plates they are connected to
  • Headshots from bullets now insta-kill regardless of armor
  • Attack helicopters now target players instead of plates
  • Knives from knife storms now fall closer to players
  • The “Ghost” and “Turn Invisible” player events now disables colliding with other players and NPCs
  • You are now able to avoid being squished by rolling pins if you have an active force field
  • Improved the electric bug zapper’s hitbox
  • Buffed explosive pie speed and explosion radius
  • Decreased hitbox size for the Lightning Bolt gear
  • You can now cook dynamites (hold left click to stall throwing)
  • Laser cannons now fling objects and players on impact (requires 85%+ charge)
  • The range from the “Smell Bad” event now increases with each stack
  • Removed the “Magic 8-Ball” player event and added the gear to the shop as a usable
  • Fixed being able to use gears while dead
  • Fixed clipping through plates when they raise/stretch
  • Fixed certain objects like saws and portals being stuck in midair when a plate turns into a hole
  • Minor bug fixes and changes


  • Added a badge and icon for 50 million visits, they will be available from now until June 15 :partying_face:


  • The lobby as well as some events and gears have been revamped to have a summertime theme :beach_umbrella: (lobby and reskins created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Volcano” arena event
  • Added “Iceberg” arena event
  • Added “Chomper” plate event
  • Added “Beehive” plate event
  • Added “Magic Cauldron” plate event
  • Added “Air Conditioner” plate event
  • Added “Crystal Wall” plate event
  • Added “Umbrella” plate event
  • Added “Placeable Beehive” player event
  • Added “Placeable Spring Trap” player event
  • Added “Half Max Health” player event
  • Added “Lose Item” player event
  • Added “Jackhammer” player event
  • Added “Soaked” player event
  • Added “Water Gun” player event
  • Added “Water Balloon” player event
  • Added “Shuriken” player event
  • Added “Placeable Umbrella” player event
  • Added “Pirate Juice” player event (Limited to Summer)
  • Added “Tropical” gift box. It has a 1 in 25 chance of spawning, giving 3 of one cosmetic type. This variant is limited to Summer.
  • Placeable umbrellas and water balloons are now sold in the Usables section in the shop every Summer
  • Saws from the “Sawmill” event now spawn based on plate positions
  • Volcanoes and icebergs now spawn during “The Sea” rounds
  • Tsunamis now apply a soaked effect to players
  • Umbrellas now have a bounce effect when jumping on them
  • Minor bug fixes and changes


  • Due to gambling policy changes on Roblox, a few ingame features were changed: the betting feature was removed (will be replaced with a new feature in a later update), renamed the “Slot” arcade machine to “Slider” and the way it plays was slightly changed, removed the “Turf” arcade machine, removed the “Lucky Gears” arcade machine, and a few other machines were slightly changed
  • Added favorite buttons to the Custom Decal and Custom Sound items in the shop
  • Added freecam button to the spectate gui
  • Added buttons to the “Tools” command in console that allow you to select specific skins you want applied to a gear
  • Hovering over a server’s name in the server gui now shows its uptime


  • The lobby as well as some events and gears have been revamped to have a Halloween theme :jack_o_lantern: (lobby and reskins created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Fiend” (created by @BigBubbaBrock) and “Soul Friend” auras
  • Added “Headless Horseman” armor to the shop
  • Added “Global Event” arena event
  • Added “Electro Beams” arena event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Swap Gears” arena event
  • Added “Hydraulic Press” plate event (model created by @BigBubbaBrock)
  • Added “Blowtorch” plate event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Dart Trap” plate event
  • Added “Time Machine” player event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Blindfold” player event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Placeable Dart Trap” player event
  • Added “Pumpkin Blaster” player event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Skull in a Box” player event (Limited to October) (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Pumpkin Bucket” player event (Limited to October)
  • Added “Throwable Pumpkin” player event (Limited to October)
  • Added “Spooky” gift box. It has a 1 in 25 chance of spawning, giving 6 items (65% chance of a cosmetic and a 35% chance of getting candy corn). This variant is limited to October.
  • Throwable pumpkins are now sold in the Usables section in the shop every October
  • Added a sparkler to the Usables section in the shop
  • Added a way to select reskins for events in the “Spawn Event” command in console
  • Renamed the “No Health Regen” round type to “No Healing” and being unable to heal now applies to all sources of regaining health
  • Placeable objects can now be rotated by using Q and E (mobile players have a gui for this)
  • Placeable objects can now be placed on mobile by pressing a button instead of tapping the screen (to prevent misclicks)
  • Most issues with character scaling should now be fixed (auras not scaling properly, animations/emotes not working if your character is scaled too much, etc.)
  • Minor changes and fixes
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  • The lobby as well as some events and gears have been revamped to have a Christmas theme :christmas_tree: (lobby and reskins created by @blaster7532)
  • Added gear skins to the shop. Gear skins can be equipped to replace the default appearance of gears.
  • Added 3 new round types: Brick Town, Mansion, and Truss Tower
  • Added a new arena event: Laser Grid
  • Snowflakes that fall during December now have a chance to drop a present when collected
  • Team rounds can now be combined with any map-based round (ex. Duos + Happy Home). Alongside this, “Plate vs. Plate” was renamed to “Red vs. Blue” and “Team Plates” was renamed to “Teams”.
  • Added teleporters to the “Sword Fight on the Heights” round type
  • Tornadoes on “Tornado Alley” rounds now spawn randomly instead of only one tornado spawning and lasting the entire round
  • Objects that spawn on plates can now naturally spawn on structures (ex. chairs can spawn on different floors of a doomspire). The same applies to events that target a plate (ex. airstrikes).
  • Flammable objects can now be set on fire by any source of fire/heat (ex. hedges). Objects that are on fire now affect nearby objects: burn nearby flammable objects (ex. a burning tree will burn a nearby tree), detonate flammable explosives, melt ice, and damage players.
  • Water can now put out fires
  • Barbed wire fences, electric fences, electro beams, plate guardians, and shock traps can now be short-circuited
  • Plates that are quicksand now pull players and objects through them until they fall (players can escape by jumping)
  • Trash from the “Trash” plate event (renamed from “Dirty”) now have a chance to allow players to search through them for random gears
  • Bombs from the “Bomb Cloud” and “Time Bomb” plate events now scale with the plate’s size. The same applies to the “UFO” plate event.
  • Changed requirement for the “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” badge from 500 events to 250
  • Changed requirement for the “I’ve Seen It All” badge from 1000 events to 500
  • Changed requirement for the “MAKE IT STOP!!!” badge from 1 hour to 15 minutes
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Revamped lobby to have a Valentine’s theme :cupid: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 6 new round types: BrickBattle, Chess, Double Jumping, Fortress, Pagoda, and Ultimate Paintball (Fortress created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Sandworm” arena event
  • Added “Chess Piece” arena event
  • Added “Gasoline Spill” arena event
  • Added “Seagulls” arena event (can spawn during “The Sea” rounds)
  • Added “Rocket Blaster” plate event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Lucky Pinata” plate event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Rocket Boots” player event (particles created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Remixer” player event
  • Added “Box of Chocolates” player event (Limited to February)
  • Added “Katana” skin for swords
  • Added emote menu
  • Increased the coin rewards for rounds and events
  • Rebalanced some arcade machines
  • Increased the prices of custom plate decals and plate studs in the shop
  • Disabled buying plate size on “Mini Plates” and “Random Sizes” rounds
  • Made gears previously exclusive to Valentine’s Week last all of February (except healing ray gun which is now permanent)
  • “Random Gears” rounds now spawn players with a mystery box which gives them 3 random gears to choose from (mystery box model created by @blaster7532)
  • The number of events spawned by “Alien Invasion”, “Landmine Mania”, “Lightning Round”, and “Meteor Fever” rounds now vary based on plate size
  • Increased the amount of mines spawned during “Minefield” rounds
  • Heatwave damage now counts as fire damage (can remove soaked effect and this also changes how some armors interact with heatwaves). Heatwaves also now last 1 minute instead of 1-3.
  • Knives from the “Knife Storm” arena event now deal damage equal to 95% of your max health rather than insta-killing
  • Decreased the number of electro beams that spawn from 5-12 to 3-6 and made laser hitboxes more visible
  • Treasure islands are now connected to a random plate via a bridge when they spawn
  • When trapped in a bubble, you can now click it to help you escape.
  • The Snatcher now respawns by a random player if it hasn’t caught anyone for a while
  • The “Bridge” arena event now spawns 1-3 bridges instead of 1
  • The speed of hydraulic presses now increase based on their size
  • The “Frozen” player event now lasts 30 seconds instead of 1-3 minutes
  • The “Blind” player event now lasts 30 seconds instead of 45
  • The “Soaked” player event now lasts 1 minute instead of 1-3
  • The “Move to Random Plate” player event now teleports the player to a random position on the plate rather than only the center
  • Lava launchers now hold 3 shots before going on cooldown. The projectile is also slightly faster and puddles are larger and fade in faster.
  • Squid guns now hold 8 shots before going on cooldown. Reduced ink time from 1 minute to 10 seconds.
  • Increased Medusa’s Head hitbox size and anyone not facing the head will still take 15 damage. Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 45.
  • Increased taser range from 50 to 100 studs
  • Banana launchers now hold 3 shots before going on cooldown
  • Lowered freeze ray cooldown from 20 seconds to 10
  • Jetpacks now lose fuel slower
  • Increased dart trap range from 25 studs to 50
  • Fixed death messages not properly displaying how you died sometimes (like when squished by rolling pins)
  • Fixed All-Seeing Eye not targeting players that returned to normal
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Revamped lobby to have a summertime theme :beach_umbrella: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added quests (accessible in the UI or by pressing H). Quests have randomly generated objectives that can be completed for coins, gift boxes, and more.
  • Added plate structures to the “Plate” section in the shop (models created by @blaster7532)
  • Custom rounds can now be created for 100k coins with a limit of 3 per hour
  • Added “Round Queue” button to the UI
  • Added “Fake C4” and “Paper Sword” usables to the shop
  • Added “Thorn” skin for swords and “Wormy” skin for teddy bears
  • Added “Dodge the Teapots of Doom!” round type
  • Added “Random Structures” round type
  • Added “Volcano Village” round type. The “Volcano Island” round type has been removed.
  • Added “Reverse Card” player event and gear (model created by @blaster7532). The “Mirror” player event and gear has been removed, but it is now a skin for reverse cards.
  • Added “Baseball Bat” player event and gear
  • Added “Strike 4” machine to the arcade
  • Added a diamond jackpot to the “Sweeper” arcade machine
  • The shop now displays a “NEW” label next to items that were recently added since you last played the game
  • Hovering over a modifier when creating round types now displays a description of what it does
  • Round reports now display kills + revamped the UI
  • Added more stats to player profiles
  • The “Sudden Death” round type now instantly kills players upon taking damage
  • Spirits spawned by rounds now give 15k coins if you already have their auras
  • Dark matter spawned by black holes now give 50k coins if you already have the aura
  • Collecting 31 souls during Halloween now gives 100k coins if you already have the aura
  • Updated the “Vampire” armor’s stats
  • Objects shot from vacuums now give kill credit
  • Piñatas now give baseball bats to nearby players
  • Kings from the “Chess Piece” arena event now have a chance to spawn another chess piece near them after landing
  • Pawns from the “Chess Piece” arena event can now move diagnolly if a player is in that square
  • Head cages now protect from damage taken to the head
  • Explosive barrels can now be used to refuel flamethrowers and jetpacks
  • Hook shots can now pull any object regardless of size
  • Paintball guns now deal splash damage
  • Mobile players can now double tap to use placeable gears
  • “Circle + One-Stud Hell” rounds should no longer cause spawnkilling
  • Events that cover the screen (such as ink) now properly scale with smaller screen sizes
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Revamped lobby to have a Halloween theme :jack_o_lantern: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added 18 new gear skins
  • Added 10 new emotes
  • Added 1 new usable
  • Added 16 new plate structures
  • Global leaderboards are now monthly. At the end of each month, top players will receive rewards including a new currency called “Crowns” which can be used to buy exclusive items in the shop.
  • You can now view your position on global leaderboards
  • Added global leaderboard for quests
  • Added “Quick Join” feature to teleport to servers that are about to start a new round when in the lobby. There’s a setting to disable this pop-up, but you can also use this feature in the “Servers” menu.
  • Added coin gifting (accessible near your coin amount in the shop)
  • Added new quests and ajusted the rewards of some
  • Lessened restrictions on claiming duplicate quest types
  • Badges in player profiles are now separated into categories and special/limited badges no longer count towards badge percent
  • Added more stats to player profiles
  • Players can now place multiple structures on their plate (one for every 20 studs the plate has)
  • Plate structures now scale with smaller plates
  • Events related to active quests players have now have a guaranteed chance of spawning every 25 events
  • You can now save custom plate decals and sounds while in the lobby. Buying them now require 5+ wins.
  • Added new settings
  • Added sort buttons to emote menu
  • Added “Crazy Start” round type
  • Added “Tenfold Terror” round type
  • Added “Giant Cue Ball” arena event
  • Added “Power Outage” arena event
  • Added “Min Selected Increase” arena event
  • Added “Gravity Hammer” player event (model created by @blaster7532 and animations created by @GovernorRed)
  • Added “Bionic Limb” player event (model created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Printer” player event
  • Added “Legs Tied Together” player event
  • The “Rocket Ride” arcade machine now shows 4 multipliers at the bottom of the screen that estimate where the rocket will land
  • Coin rewards for quests when receiving gift box dupes now scales based on the rarity of the item you would’ve gotten (Common = 5k, Uncommon = 10k, Rare = 25k, Legendary = 50k, Mythic = 100k)
  • Getting duplicate item rewards from quests (structures, usables, etc.) now give 30k coins per dupe
  • “Sword Fight on the Height” can now be combined with “Colosseum” for a special map
  • “Random Stats” rounds are now guaranteed to give at least one stat with no drawbacks
  • Added 10 second grace period to “Sawmill” rounds
  • Revamped the Death Note. You can choose from a list of names in the note (display names no longer count) that are sorted in a random order. The note’s effect is cancelled if the user dies before the target is killed. The user is also highlighted on the target’s screen.
  • Life links now deal damage equal to 70% of your max health when your link dies. Any damage your link takes will make you take 25%of it.
  • All-Seeing Eye damage is now based on how much movement you make
  • Wandering traders now restock when the event is selected multiple times and multiple variants can be active at once
  • Bounties now increase by 40k-100k coins and have a rare variant that gives 300k. Max bounty is now 500k coins.
  • Chompers now ignore players when they have a key equipped. Freeing a chomper will make it friendly towards you and your teammates.
  • Lowered electro beam damage to 30 and shock damage to 5
  • Shock collars can now be short-circuited
  • Barbed wire fences now have random sizes
  • Increased max cauldrons on plate to 5
  • Hookshotting plates now stops them from moving
  • Thumbtacks now have 3 uses
  • If 2 players reflect damage at the same time, a small black hole spawns on both of them.
  • Fixed sometimes being unable to place placeable plates when falling
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Revamped lobby to have a Christmas theme :christmas_tree: (created by @blaster7532)
  • Added “Combined Chaos” round type
  • Added “Chaos Canyon” round type (map created by @BIoxxedz)
  • Added “Sky Splitter” arena event (satellite model created by @ikeahash)
  • Added “Coin of Fate” arena event
  • Added “Vote” arena event
  • Added skybox to “Foggy” round types
  • Decreased “Peacekeeper’s Staff” effect time from 3 minutes to 1
  • Increased “Classic Rocket Launcher” speed
  • Increased “Paintball Gun” hitbox
  • Minor changes and fixes


  • Added console support
  • Added 3 new round modifiers: Circles, Crosswalk, and Random Shapes
  • Added 6 new plate events: Become Circle/Crescent/Heart/Plus Sign/Star/Triangle
  • Obbies now randomly generate every 6 hours. Rewards have been increased and a 5-minute cooldown has been placed on collecting rewards.
  • Obby streaks now save across servers and are displayed on obby signs to know what your current streak is
  • Added button to switch between all-time and monthly global leaderboards
  • Added global leaderboards for obbies
  • Added status effects UI
  • Removed arcade machines except Plinko, The Drop, and Wheel of Fate. Remaining machines have had their prizes rebalanced.
  • Reset everyone’s coin and arcade stats
  • Removed global leaderboard reward system
  • Removed crowns and retired skins associated with them
  • Removed “Spontaneous Combustion” round modifier and retired “Tough Luck” badge
  • Removed bonus coins from obby streaks
  • Rebalanced quest objectives and rewards
  • Removed mythic quests and lowered existing mythics to legendary
  • Removed some stats from player profiles
  • Removed lounge
  • Reset coin badges
  • Retired Sweeper badges and icon
  • Renamed “Circle” round modifier to “Ring of Plates”
  • Rebalanced the odds of how many modifiers each round type can have
  • Global leaderboards now display up to 1000 ranks
  • Kills now count when taking damage 10 seconds before falling into the void
  • Kills now count for banana peels, freeze rays, hook shots, placeable freeze traps, and placeable spring traps.
  • Increased coins per event from 25-100 to 100-400
  • Lowered max coin gifts from 5 million to 500k
  • The number of people spectating you is now shown on screen (can be disabled in settings). “SPECTATING” is displayed above you when you’re spectating someone.
  • Kill count is displayed when spectating
  • Added vending machines to the lobby
  • Added “Random” emote to play a random emote you own
  • Added “Moneybag” gear to usables section in the shop
  • Revamped bomb defusal UI
  • Death Note can only be used on nearby players. Anyone written in the note will be given a dagger that can be used to kill the writer.
  • Chompers now flash red when their pole is about to break. Normal chompers take 7 cracks to break and doom chompers take 3.
  • Lowered damage of teapots in “Dodge the Teapots of Doom!” rounds to 45
  • Bubbles now carry players a few studs before floating there until they pop
  • Frequently getting into bubbles will apply the soaked effect to the player once the bubble pops
  • Becoming anchored while in a bubble will cause it to pop
  • Lowered “Seagulls” arena event time from 30 seconds to 20
  • Lowered “Turn to Stone” player event time from 60 seconds to 30
  • Ball and chain now increases in size with each stack instead of spawning a new one
  • Reverse cards now block hook shots
  • Plate controls now move the plate continuously until clicked again to stop
  • Plates now have a 5-second warning before changing shape
  • Plates that become conveyors now have moving textures above them to show their direction and speed
  • Events selected for quest pity now go on a 10-minute cooldown before they can selected for pity again
  • An icon is displayed onscreen during heatwaves to show the sun’s direction (direction is now randomized). Increased size of umbrella poles to better block the sun’s rays from the side.
  • Added “Disable Round End” command to console to stop the round from ending when no players are left
  • Banned “Plague + No Healing” round combinations
  • Fixed backpack UI displaying over other UIs
  • Fixed ball and chain spawning below the player is they’re walking
  • Fixed plate size gui being stuck on “N/A” when returning to normal
  • Fixed head cages sometimes leaving the player alive when they were squished


  • Added minigames section to the lobby. Players can vote on what games they want to play (Battlefield map created by @blaster7532).
  • Added teleport menu to quickly teleport between the obbies, minigame, and lobby.