Update log for Plates of Fate: Remastered
- Added 5 new rounds types: Happy Home, House Arrest, No Armor, No Usables, and Scrambled Plates
- Added 96 new auras
- Added 50 new icons
- Added 18 new emotes
- Added a new arcade machine: Sweeper
- Added “Recycle Bin” plate event which allows you to recycle your gears in exchange for a different gear or potential trash
- Added “Garbage Can” plate event which allows you to throw away unwanted gears
- Added a way to save players attached to fireworks and time bombs, but it comes at a cost…
- Added 3 new commands to private servers:
- “!getitems” gives you every aura, icon, and emote in the game
- “!removeitems” removes every aura, icon, and emote from your inventory
- “!givecoins [Amount]” gives you an amount of coins that you specify
- Added more settings
- Added a rule board to the lobby
(literally 1984)
- After 3 custom rounds, the server now adds a random round in the queue instead of it always being a “Normal” one
- Re-enabled ragdolling (hopefully it doesn’t randomly break this time :D)
- Rare gift box odds are now 1 in 8 instead of 1 in 10
- Big Plates, Mini Plates, and Random Sizes can now be combined with Giant Plate, Plate vs. Plate, Team Plates, Rocket Arena, and Sword Fight on the Heights
- Plate vs. Plate can now be combined with Rocket Arena and Sword Fight on the Heights
- Claw machines, sharks, and Death Notes now spawn closer to players
- Chance buttons now have more choices
- Pick Your Poison now has more choices
- Minimum amount of required betting entries reduced from 10 to 5
- Minimum amount of coins to enter a bet increased from 5 to 500
- Tsunamis, sharks, and ships now occasionally spawn during “The Sea” round types
- Dust Devils now occasionally spawn during “Sandstorm” round types
- Icicles now occasionally rain from the sky during “Blizzard” round types
- “Retirement Home” round types now give players black and white vision
- The “Junkyard” round type now has a chance to spawn garbage cans
- Thumbtacks are now able to pop placeable force fields
- Players now start with force fields on “Lava Spinner” rounds
- The classic tree from PoF:M has a chance to spawn during the “Grow Tree” plate event
- Made fireworks launch you in the direction the firework is pointed towards rather than just going straight up
- Death Notes are no longer case sensitive and accept display names
- Added a limit to the amount of particles lava can make to prevent lag
- Buffed airstrikes: The size of the explosion now scales with the plate’s size
- Buffed Electric Bug Zappers: Increased damage and they can now short-circuit tesla coils
- Buffed Regen Coils: Now heals 3.5 health per second instead of 3
- Buffed toxic waste: Now deals 4 damage per second instead of 2
- Explosive Pie changes: Now deals 40 damage and has a larger hitbox
- Poison Bomb changes: Now deals 20 damage every 2.5 seconds instead of a percent of your current health
- Bat changes: Increased damage and they now ignore players that have a lantern equipped
- Patched banana jumping
(this patch was also applied to caltrops, don’t you dare think about it)
- Fixed not being able to teleport when attached to a ball and chain
- Fixed shock collars breaking when your plate returns to normal
- Fixed individual players showing up on the round report and lobby statues during team rounds if they reset before the game started
- Fixed the portal spawned by the “The Snatcher” event spawning completely outside of the arena (will still slightly clip through the arena sometimes, but not as much)
- Minor bug fixes and changes