Play in Studio - Plugin

You might as well just be using normal playtesting, because any code that runs will make actual changes to the game. That is practically impossible.

Bought it and it’s really well made! Also when paired with Team Create Hats people can see where your camera is, so that’s kinda funny lol

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Also another funny thing i found out you can do is that you can straight up resize yourself and the walkspeed, jumppower, and everything scales.

Adding onto this, when my character have layered clothing on it, it will wrongly wear itself and it will mess up the character on other clients in Team Create.

This is a really cool plugin! Unfortunately I am broke so I cannot buy it, but I will when I can!

The plugin does not yet support collisions. This would be a massive undertaking, and I don’t think it is worth the hassle when it already exists in the normal testing mode.

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I believe you can get a table of the player’s equipped emotes, can do that, make a radial menu show on c hold, mouse to select, release to then emote just as it does in the client.

I will look into this, I think it has to do with the way I’m replicating body parts.

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Is this safe to use? It asked permission to manage scripts in my game. (UPDATE: I’ve examined the code and it’s safe.)

It is safe.

actually such a fun plugin to use, but it would be so funny if it was running code and watching the whole game change

then again, if a script is buggy… uhhh

I’m not sure if its a bug, but I cannot move, scale, or rotate anything.
link if mp4 didn’t work

Nvm I solved the issue. Keep in mind I bought the plugin for the 300. All I had to add was
return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass under line 44 and that fixed it. The ContextActionService was overwriting the Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement

It seems that a recent studio dragger update has caused this issue. Regardless, thanks for the fix! I have published the change now.

Can you tell me, or at least give me an idea about how did you do this? I never made plugins so I don’t know what powers they have. I have needed this in making simulations lately, to be able to change values and make new instances, etc. Sadly, I don’t have the robux to buy the plugin so I would be grateful if you gave me an idea

I would recommend adding this code after line 127:

self.AnimateScript = self.Model:FindFirstChild("Animate")
for _, p in pairs(self.Model:GetDescendants()) do
	if p:IsA("BaseScript") then
		p.Parent = nil

Then replace every occurence of self.Model.Animate with self.AnimateScript.

This makes the plugin not request script injection, which may lead some people to believe that your plugin is a virus.

W plugin, seems more or less useful for builders then for other developers. Should have a lot of uses though.

Thank you sir, I have implemented this and made sure to also clean up any removed scripts.

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for about a year now, I was thinking of getting this plugin, and I have to say this would make borings tasks so much more interactive!

with the new StepPhysics API, i was able to add full collisions to this plugin! i cant release the code since it’s paid, but i totally hope the new API is used in the official release!

reference: New StepPhysics Plugin API

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