Play in Studio - Plugin

You can play animations in studio normally using an animator, but without the simulation running, you have to manually call animator:StepAnimations(deltaTime). And yeah, I did have to make my own camera and character. Fortunately, the shapecasting API makes this easy.


Waitā€¦ how? I donā€™t think is possible make a character and camera system without local scripts and other componenets only available in test mode.

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Thatā€™s what the plugin does, itā€™s a local script that runs its own camera code and character controller similar to the default stuff.

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Please fix emoting, I want to dance and add bubble chat It would be funny

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the ID is contained in the Animator script as a string
Managed to modify your code to make it work, I wont share this and I bought your plugin to respect your original work

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By emote, do you mean the other default emotes such as wave, cheer, point, and laugh? If so, sure I could add keybinds for those. Iā€™m still not seeing the custom marketplace emotes anywhere in the Animate script, but maybe Iā€™m just blind. Bubble chat is a cool idea, but it would have to be bubble chat only since I donā€™t want to disrupt any of the developerā€™s GUI.

Edit: I see the issue here, emotes donā€™t work in R6. Will be working on a fix.

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R6 dances are now fixed, thanks! :slight_smile:
Will be adding bubble chat at a later date. That sounds fun.


Hereā€™s how my modded version looks like, just make sure to add filter check


Pretty sure filters are disabled in Roblox Studioā€¦

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This is true if I remember correctly. There is a team create chat, but it might use some internal API.

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Little late here and not sure if it has been answered but pretty sure Iā€™ve seen it done before in past Roblox made modules.

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Does this work with custom characters? This looks pretty cool but It would make it so much better if it does also I donā€™t think it would be that hard to make if it doesnā€™t (StarterCharacter)

Also I was wondering if you could add a make starter player scripts that run when loading in

You might as well just be using normal playtesting, because any code that runs will make actual changes to the game. That is practically impossible.

Bought it and itā€™s really well made! Also when paired with Team Create Hats people can see where your camera is, so thatā€™s kinda funny lol

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Also another funny thing i found out you can do is that you can straight up resize yourself and the walkspeed, jumppower, and everything scales.

Adding onto this, when my character have layered clothing on it, it will wrongly wear itself and it will mess up the character on other clients in Team Create.

This is a really cool plugin! Unfortunately I am broke so I cannot buy it, but I will when I can!

The plugin does not yet support collisions. This would be a massive undertaking, and I donā€™t think it is worth the hassle when it already exists in the normal testing mode.

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I believe you can get a table of the playerā€™s equipped emotes, can do that, make a radial menu show on c hold, mouse to select, release to then emote just as it does in the client.

I will look into this, I think it has to do with the way Iā€™m replicating body parts.

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