Play in Studio - Plugin

Is this safe to use? It asked permission to manage scripts in my game. (UPDATE: I’ve examined the code and it’s safe.)

It is safe.

actually such a fun plugin to use, but it would be so funny if it was running code and watching the whole game change

then again, if a script is buggy… uhhh

I’m not sure if its a bug, but I cannot move, scale, or rotate anything.
link if mp4 didn’t work

Nvm I solved the issue. Keep in mind I bought the plugin for the 300. All I had to add was
return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass under line 44 and that fixed it. The ContextActionService was overwriting the Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement

It seems that a recent studio dragger update has caused this issue. Regardless, thanks for the fix! I have published the change now.

Can you tell me, or at least give me an idea about how did you do this? I never made plugins so I don’t know what powers they have. I have needed this in making simulations lately, to be able to change values and make new instances, etc. Sadly, I don’t have the robux to buy the plugin so I would be grateful if you gave me an idea

I would recommend adding this code after line 127:

self.AnimateScript = self.Model:FindFirstChild("Animate")
for _, p in pairs(self.Model:GetDescendants()) do
	if p:IsA("BaseScript") then
		p.Parent = nil

Then replace every occurence of self.Model.Animate with self.AnimateScript.

This makes the plugin not request script injection, which may lead some people to believe that your plugin is a virus.

W plugin, seems more or less useful for builders then for other developers. Should have a lot of uses though.

Thank you sir, I have implemented this and made sure to also clean up any removed scripts.

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for about a year now, I was thinking of getting this plugin, and I have to say this would make borings tasks so much more interactive!

with the new StepPhysics API, i was able to add full collisions to this plugin! i cant release the code since it’s paid, but i totally hope the new API is used in the official release!

reference: New StepPhysics Plugin API

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  • Implemented collision
  • Humanoid is now 1:1 with in-game physics


  • Sometimes you teleport a little when spawning in—this is a collision bug that will be fixed later
  • The recent studio physics support API caused a lot of the code to now be obsolete, so it’s left unused in case it is needed in the future
  • The current replication system is very hacky, I want to find a way to just have a single controllable character without needing an extra copy for the client side
  • Planning on adding a noclip and fly feature
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