Player Amount Per Place

So, similar to this thread here:

I’m wondering how to put onto a gui how many players are in a place. The big difference between my request, and that other thread, is specifically that. I want to know how many players are in a “Place” and not a “Game.” This is because I’d like to track how many players are playing a specific “Place” in a Game Universe, rather than displaying how many players are playing in the overall game universe.

Is this possible without using datastores?


You would do the exact same thing except replace the game’s ID with the place’s ID.

I did this already. That doesn’t work. It shows all of them as being the amount of people in the whole game universe. (At that moment it was 12. In actuality though, across 4 places, the real totals were 12, 0, 0, 0. Yet it showed 12, 12, 12, 12.)

Photo in-game showing all Players Online at 5.

Photo in the Dev Console showing that individual http requests are called for each place.

Photo on the website showing that the overall playing is 5. (Showing from the Starting Place - See that place ID at the top of the page is not called in the DevConsole at all.)

Probably a dumb question. Would filtering enabled by chance be hurting it? Or that I’m calling 4 http requests at one time? (Cuz there is a limit right?)

You get 500 request per min… you good

Does Filtering Enabled affect anything at all? I’ll be real honest in the fact I have 0% knowledge when it comes to them http stuff.

Im like 70% sure that clients can make request too…
To make sure just turn FE off on you place and see if everything suddenly starts working

Yeah, nope. Still get the same results.

Are you trying to access a place linked to your place (and probably owned by you), or a random game like jailbreak?

If you want the total number of players on a game, you can use my solution on the linked question to use http services and get the number form the game place. This however, does not work for places, as all places show how many players are in a game.

Instead, you would have to get the full server list html instead of the front page html, and count the number of servers. I haven’t done it before but I would assume it’s possible.

If on the other hand, this place is just another place you own, you can do this with datastores. Although you asked for methods not related to datastores, datastores would probably be much easier to implement.
But you can try sending http requests to{placeId}/live-stats, though I would assume you would have to set up a server that could handle those requests, as a proxy wouldn’t work, and you can’t send requests to from the game.

I don’t think the client can make http requests.
It may work in studio non server tests, but it will not work in game. This is because if the client can make http requests, there’s a whole new list of opportunities for http requests to be abused.
Examples include IP tracking, sending requests to unwanted sites from the client’s device, etc.

That’s why http services are restricted on the client side. A workaround is getting the data from requests sent on the server, and then sending that data to the client or having it public (On a string value or something under workspace).

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