While the thought process of it all is interesting and especially when backed up with:
I think this only hurts smaller experiences in all honesty. Removing concurrent and only having rating, a metric that is ridiculously cheesed into existence, is only going to further the stupid tactics developers have to take to maintain a good rating.
Right now, there is nothing that a player gets from
ing an experience. However, if a user has a bad time, they are far more likely to
the experience, believing (after being trained on systems like YouTube & Spotify) that showing what things you don’t like to the algorithm will farm more of what you do like.
Because of this, developers have been incentivized into creating “Like Milestone Rewards” to make players actually hit the like button. In Fortnite as of lately, creators have been asking players to like their experience for a direct reward (and then because the API doesn’t let you check if they liked it, no reward is given.) I could see this happening more and more on Roblox, as the only metric showing on the game is the like rating.
My biggest suggestion for a while has been trying to link favorites & likes more together, or maybe ask the player if they want to give a like to the game when they favorite it? Something to help games actually receive likes without having developers force input from the player through “rewards”. In games where there is no like rewards, you tend to find favorites outweighing the total votes by a large margin:
Whereas, a game like Pet Sim 99 has like milestone rewards and the result of that…
Notably Pet Sim 99’s likes is 1.999M so, nearly double the likes to favorites.
Compare that to the other 3 I’ve shown, and favorites are more than double the likes.
Prioritizing likes on the tiles is going to lead to very bad implementation of needing your game to gain likes… and that’s not a future I want to see come to Roblox.
P.S. I don’t actually think games installing Like Rewards is a bad thing the developer is doing. This is a thing they have to do because Roblox doesn’t do anything to incentivize players to actually hit like on games. No hate to Pet Sim 99 for doing what they do. I’m hating the game, not the player.