Player Invite Prompts [Update]

Honestly, I’ve only seen people use this feature by accident.
If you’re not playing on mobile, you have to go out of your way to view the notification, and most people ignore them in the first place and don’t really care about inviting friends.
The graph is complete news to me, but it definitely incentivizes me to use this feature.


I’ve seen a tremendous increase in invites since implementing this but I’ve not noticed a large bump in players. Is there currently any form of attribution to help determine the actual DAU/session count impact?


Thank you for the feedback - we are working on 1&2. For 2, could you provide specific customization you’d appreciate?

For 3, we are actively working on a way to make notification much more visible on desktop as well. This will be releasing soon, stay tuned :slight_smile:

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Thank you! We’ll definitely keep this in mind.

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Thanks for the feedback - experience invite notifications should be going to the notification tray that can be accessed via the bell icon on the top right, not the chat. Not sure if that’s what you meant.

Our chat filter is meant to be conservative on the safety side, although I realize it does sometimes result in filtering of non-abusive material. We are working on making it more accurate to provide a better balance.

And yes, we are working on making desktop notifications more visible, it should be releasing soon, stay tuned!

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We’re looking into it, could you tell us the specifics of what you’d like to customize?

We’re working on something that should address this issue, we should be releasing it in the coming months - stay tuned!

We’re actively working on providing analytics to y’all that give you this information and more! Should be coming out soon!

I’d like to customize the background and appearance. E.g. turning the background to be in line with my game’s UI. For example, my games UI doesn’t have any transparency in it, and maybe I’d want to change the color of the background. This would allow me to implement it in my game without any major UI styling breaks. My game doesn’t have any rounded corners either, to fit in with a retro-ish UI theme. It’d be great if I could implement these decisions into the prompt, so I can provide player invite prompts seamlessly in any game.

I understand if these changes can’t be made- they’re definitely not easy, however this would be a tremendous step in allowing features like these to be adopted in a lot of heavily themed games.


The background/border of which goes around the invite tab/window. The buttons on it exactly (invite and the X to exit out of the invite tab). I was just thinking as if it is like a template they can edit, however, if they do not want to/can’t they just use the origional one. Or they just create it from scratch themselves. Maybe they could intigrate it with their own windows

yeah correct nobody looks at the notifications tab lol


i use notifications all of the time

Not entirely sure how to put this, but we would love to be able to customize it to fit the UI in our games already. I don’t like having a consistent style of UI, then the Player Invite Prompt popping up with its unique look.

Hey, is there any update on this feature simply not working? ExperienceInviteOptions is being completely ignored rendering it useless for my game. It’s been like this for ever since this post.


Hey @m0bsterlobster
Launch data appears to be sporadically not working when joining via notification. I’ve double checked my code and everything is good on my end. Could we get an update on this?


I think it would be cool if the notification tray was automatically opened when you got an invite or accepted friend request.

ok about push notifications, not everyone have them enabled, it can’t be automatically enabled

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Hey, I just want to bring to attention the numerous amounts of reports that invite launch data does not seem to be able to be retrieved

(Screenshots attached in second reply)


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