Player Invite Prompts

This is super cool! :open_mouth:

I would love to see more updates like this, I also love the fact that you can also customize notifications.

Thanks Roblox, I hope to see better updates like this in the future!


My main question about this feature is would the player be able to silence/prevent the notification from being pushed onto their device. Personally wouldnā€™t want to get a notification from my phone because someone is inviting me to play a Roblox experience with them.

Additionally talking about notifications pushed onto the device, would this feature get implemented on PC/Laptop as well or is it planned to be a mobile-only feature?


I love this. The UI definitely needed a revamp as well as the need to fix the bug that floods the console whenever PromptGameInvite was called.

This solves both. Thanks a lot!


I am getting the same issue and have been a for a few hours (I saw this feature before it got announced here on the devforum)

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You always were able to enable push notifications as long as youā€™re 13+ and enable them in settings if you didnā€™t know.

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You can with the invite setup: Player Invite Prompts | Roblox Creator Documentation


It brings up a prompt to invite your friends, and you can choose to invite them or not, it does not directly invite your friends.


Can you give the the other prompts that exist deep in SetCore a UI refresh?


I did enable them (on my iPad, to be specific), but I only ever got a couple push notifications. I just stopped getting them for some reason after about a week or so.

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Ah, okay. Iā€™ve actually had similar issues too but always ignored it. Hopefully the invites donā€™t do the same thing or that could screw up the use of them pretty bad.

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The way my eyes lit up when I saw the push notificationsā€¦

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Iā€™m also been getting the error too. Using inspect it seems the request is returning 504 Gateway Timeout with an empty response body.

I see this being used to either be for game modes that require a certain level person to enter. Thus ā€œInvite a Friendā€. Another could be a private server that only allows the people you have invited.

I see most if not all small games that are just chill areas/Chat Rooms using this the most.

Awesome update!

I was currently working on a reward system for inviting friends, and this is a godsend for what I wanted! :star_struck:

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There is an error when I tried to create it.
Did tried refreshing it but didnā€™t work.


Cool feature! However, itā€™s not possible to create a notification string from a group (no matter who the owner is), a error message will show if we try to create it.


This is one of the best things I have seen happen to the social aspect of this platform in while!

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Lets go!! Now we can finally make proper rewards for inviting friend to the experience!

This is the best update ever for playing with friends and socializing with them


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Whilst Iā€™d bring up this argument regarding other features, I feel what we have regarding inviting is sufficient enough. It was outdated for some time.

I do agree with the fact that it doesnā€™t fit everyoneā€™s UI, but I believe you can change background color, transparency, and some other visual properties for most coregui. Canā€™t recall how exactly, but Iā€™ve seen stuff on the forums.

Side note: I view the social service stuff to be a great way for Roblox to give developers tools that they otherwise wouldnā€™t have such as having a screenshot button.

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