I’m trying to make a system where the player looks in the direction the camera is facing. I don’t know how to do it without firing a remote event every ms / s. I’m currently using my old topic / post to create this effect.
In Mad City, when you look around, it replicates to every client in the game, really showing detail in that game.
Here is a video showing that sick feature.
I’m using a sensitivity script inside my game (custom camera stuff), and I’m making the players root part look in the direction the camera is facing for reasons.
If you need more detail into this, let me know.
Unacceptable Answer(s)
No lerping the players torso orientation every 2 seconds (or something like that)
There isn’t really a need for remote events (unless you’re doing it for security) because if the rotation of the character is changed in the client it will also automatically change for the server, because the CFrame of the character always replicates even with filtering enabled.
This is not true. The only thing clients are authoritative of replicating is physics by right of network ownership. CFrame sets do not replicate as they are not physics changes.
In this case there’s no reason to set network ownership. If I were going to do it I’d probably edit Roblox’s camera module to only replicate when camera rotation is changed and/or if there’s any new intersections to line of sight (LOS), but if you want it to be quick:
local ReplicationRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild "Remote" --> Change this
local CameraModule, IO = { }, game:GetService("UserInputService")
function CameraModule.new(Player, Camera)
local this = { }
this.lastAng = nil
local function getHitPos()
local pos = IO:GetMouseLocation()
return game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(
Ray.new(Camera.CFrame.p, Camera:ViewportPointToRay(pos.x, pos.y, 0).Direction * 1000),
Camera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Connect(function ()
local hit, pos = getHitPos() --> could use hit/pos to determine LOS intersection
local eul = Camera.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
--> Not perfect, but from the following we can deduce we've rotated the camera
if this.lastAng ~= eul then
this.lastAng = eul
--> Send it to server
--> Do it locally so client can see it instantly
-- local changes & stuff
-- stuf stuf
return this
return CameraModule