A lot of the core scripts have functions that detect if a player is a friend, following, getting followed, or blocks another user, but we can’t quite do that with custom guis. (ex: If person X is constantly swearing at me and I block them, I can’t see if I block them from another gui to make it so it automatically blocks them).
So, the idea would be to add a new function that gets the status of how a player has relations with another user, without using a long list of other functions, and would return an enum, possibly from one of the following.
if Player:GetPlayerStatus(game.CreatorId) == Enum.PlayerStatus.Blocking then
Player:Kick("unblock me noob, or else")
if Player:GetPlayerStatus(game.CreatorId) == Enum.PlayerStatus.Blocking then
Player:Kick("unblock me noob, or else")
end) [/quote]
Perhaps it should be Instance Player:GetRelationship(Integer UserId) you also need to account for when they’re friends and followers at the same time. I am not sure I agree on the Blocking ones though, perhaps it would be useful to only include Blocked and not Blocking.
While this solution works for getting information - the need to submit information lacks as well.
Sure, it’s a great idea At least it makes custom leaderboards and chat GUIs better.