PlayerList Updates

Could you please include an option to choose to enable the new leaderboard or keep the legacy one? Some of us just don’t like change and for some developers, the new one might not fit in as well as the old one.


I’ve written here what I would think is best for the new PlayerList.

You guys should add a Property to StarterGui called “LegacyPlayerList” this Property should disable or enable the old PlayerList. If LegacyPlayerList = false (default recommendation) then the new playerlist should be displayed. If LegacyPlayerList = true then the old player list should be displayed.

This gives developers a way to switch between the PlayerLists of their liking, rather than them having to create their own ones to get the old leaderboard feel back or adapt to using the new one.

I’ve seen a few developers suggesting this so I’d personally recommend adding this in.


That only complicates things for engineers and makes general production harder, including future core gui updates.

You can, if you really want to, run the old gui in a non-core environment as a normal gui; and disable the player list (or use a custom playerlist)


Yeah I’m curious about this too. I’m about to start working on a huge scale game.


I would prefer if it had two icons. One for premium status or admin/intern/Star program, then the other for relationship status (ex. Friend, following, etc) like the old one.

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I’m pretty sure it sets the Enabled property of the CoreGuis so the behavior should be around the same. This is actually a good question though. When I test with events connected through a script inside a ScreenGui, disabling it usually disconnects them, so I don’t see any reason for it to not do the same with core guis.

Would probably be better off with a engineer / intern reply on this matter though.

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The first release of this had a sort feature in ascending order of most players in a team. Will there be a option to disable this sorting feature, or even a customizable sort.

This new player list is greater than the previous one imo. It really is much more smooth, neat and clean. Not sure if its still around, but the ability to view someones avatar by just clicking on their name is a huge improvement. I wouldn’t have to struggle to find someone that I wanted to see after talking to them in chat for a while. You can see how their avatar looks like by just pausing and looking at how the players look, but its more time consuming.
I’m glad that the player list is updated.
Just a suggestion, it would be nice to have an option in the settings to select previous player lists, including the classic ones. It would bring back some nostalgia to some people, especially the ones that prefer older player lists than the newer ones.


It’s a typo if you scroll up there is the same permissions list, but formatted correctly. But here it is anyway:

Priority Icon
1 You blocked this player
2 This player is your friend
2 This player sent you a friend request
3 The owner of the current game
4 Roblox Admin
5 Roblox Intern
6 Roblox Influencer
7 You’re following this player
7 You follow each other (same icon as above)
8 This player has Premium

This update is quite good. First I do like the leaderboard, as it looks modern, but I reckon this is definitely to big.


I am excited for this update since the leaderboard looked bland, now with the new fonts it will look 10x better than before, also some users with viewing discapcities will enjoy that too since the text is visibly bigger

but you should give the option for developers to change the playerlist style such as

Slim AKA old playerlist


Large, The New Player List


Seems like a move in the right direction!
Good thing we got something more similar to the old playerlist seeing as that fit better.


Truely my opinion. It’s ok to be open for new, but ROBLOX, you don’t need to change everything. Sometimes old is better :expressionless:


I would like to challenge this. As much as the old one was clean, it was not modern. Roblox as a company have to keep up with other game platforms/clients.


Player list is certainly improved from the old one but, can the old leaderboard UI be open sourced, I much prefer that as it matches the ui and is compact while having as many names as possible on it.


This is better than it was previous time. Still though, the color of leaderboard and its font don’t match with the rest of CoreGui. Changing the rest of CoreGui/redesigning this leaderboard would please my eyes a lot more.


The player list is okay. I do have one problem with it, however.

The main thing I like about it is the leaderstats truncation. That’s a big plus!

What I dislike is how much more padding there is between player names. Could you scale it down a bit? The new design heavily reduces the number of players that can be seen at once.

As a player, in games like Jailbreak and Doomspire Brickbattle, I’d like to see as many players in the list as I can reasonably read. The current design has a comfortable tile density already, at least on a 1366x768 screen.


I personally quite like this new player list. It looks very clean and modern but the only thing is it does not, in my opinion, fit well with the Chat UI. Overall, a lovely new player list! :slight_smile:


I enabled “Show Hidden Objects in Explorer”, and the player list is created/connected regardless of SetCoreGuiEnabled. There are API calls being done for every single player in the server, which is a big problem for large games that disable the player list. @TheGamer101

Made a post


Thank you for these edits! much appreciated! one last cool thing to add would be optional colors to match the players names like in the old days. Yeah go ahead and call me a roblox boomer idc.