Players Asking For A Refund, What Do I Do?

Yeah I know, but it’s not like I scammed him or something, it’s all on him

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Jeeezz, it’s not even popular, I only have 10 people Playing atm, there was about 50-80 Players while Sponsor was still active.


That most likely contributes to the problem. Many people don’t expect the top developers to read their messages and they certainly know they can’t expect a refund from them. But if your game isn’t very popular, and you aren’t as “unreachable,” they see a chance that you’d read the message and consider it.


OHH , I see.

So this is very normal for Roblox Devs

I tried to find a Thread about this but found nothing so I had to made a thread for it, I hope this thread will help others too.


Yes. It is normal. People naturally suffer buyer’s remorse when they grow bored of the game and decide they’d rather have their money back. This happens in the real world all of the time. I don’t believe that Roblox even entertains the idea of adding a refund feature because we’d end up losing a high percentage of our sales just because players change their minds after having already made use of their purchase.


Yeah like others have said, this is 100% the other person’s fault, and you’re under no obligation to refund or to try to deal with these people.

There will always be a small number of people who try to blame you for their own mistake, or who try to make other sorts of ridiculous claims - it’s best to just ignore them. They don’t pose any actual threat to you - as long as your gamepass works as advertised, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Comments like his won’t really impact your sales.


Hi, You who is reading this in the future and wondering what you should do if a Player ask you for a refund.

In short - Nothing

But you can read these


This is the sort of thing I would personally say

Thank you for purchasing from my game, I’m sorry but I cannot officially offer refunds. It would be advised you speak with Roblox’s customer support as they are able to fully refund any purchases.


The type of excuses people come up with when asking for refunds always amuses me:

“my brother purchased it without my permission1!!”
“I’m on mobile so the purchase and cancel buttons are rlly close together!!”
“I bought unlimited cash now the game is really boring can I have a refund???”

But to answer the question, I wouldnt give refunds if your gamepass works, no.


The only time you should refund people is when you yourself screwed up and the product you sold doesn’t work(which is why devs should be able to manually refund purchases made without losing 30% of the product price due to taxes), if you start giving refunds for any other reasons you will just end up with people trying to take advantage of your kindness and start requesting refunds after they got bored of your game.
You should simply ignore these types of people altogether.


I used to give refunds on my paid access game if they contacted me and gave a review as to why they did not like the game. It was only 25 robux. I would just tell them to give me some ways on making the game better and to leave a thumbsup.

Better to keep the players happy then them complain and not ever play your game again.


That’s why I immediately thank them, give them the answer (no) and tell them how to fix it.

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I understand, but our cases are very different

Yours is like buying a random gift and not satisfied with the item received.

In my case however

You know exactly what you are going to get, even tho he bought it by accident it was his fault for being careless.

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You’re not required to give him a refund at all, it’s his fault. However if you want to show a kind gesture to him, give him a 50% refund. But as said, it’s his fault and up to you.


If you would like to, I believe a group payout for the amount you received (not including the marketplace fee) would be appropriate. However, you should not be under any obligation to do so, since it was his mistake.

I think that Roblox should add a refund feature for situations just like this. Considering that purchases of Dev Services with Robux are performed solely between the Payor and Dev (per the Terms of Service), a refund feature seems critical for disputes to be settled in a fair and efficient manner, which would be in Roblox’s best interest.

Perhaps you would like to post a feature request?


No, I have seen many Feature Requests for Refunding, I don’t think Roblox will ever add it.


Is it a web feature? It won’t be added


Do not ever refund on something that isn’t your fault. If other players find out someone else got a refund and they want one, it’s going to be hard to argue why they shouldn’t get one when someone else did.



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This is how I personally handled the situation when it came up today.

The below message is what he sent me. The above message is my response.