Players Asking For A Refund, What Do I Do?

I am not entirely sure, but I have seen many forms of it like

[1]Refund Button

[2] Developer Refund Tool

[3] Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseRefunded

and a few more

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I would literally copy the text from Cindering’s FAQ hahah

(You don’t really have to censor the Players name right?)

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Don’t think you have to, but I do, just for the sake of.


You are really nice, I would just not care enough to censor the name.


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I would personally censor the name out of confidentiality and respect for the end user.

The uncensoring of the name has no positives for me in this context and could bring the risk of harassment against other users.

I have an expectation of that not to occur but whenever I publicly display any information with PII (Personally Identifiable Information) I feel it’s important that I redact that information, I wouldn’t want to cause issues because I choose not to censor something


This is some sort of scam in my mind due to;

  • First of all you’ll have to click the buy button.
  • Then you’ll have to click the other buy button (Mind the fact I’m poor though, as I spent a stupid amount on a game hehe)

So can you really imagine some one “accidentally” Buying a gamepass if they had to click the buy button twice? Even in game, you’ll have to click the buy button twice. This is 100% Some sort of scam to get the items for free but the user has failed in this case.

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There’s no obligation to refund anyone unless there is a fault in what they bought (doesn’t work, false advertising etc). Just because he regrets buying something doesn’t mean you should give him his money back.

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I get this every so often for my game. People say they want a refund for a gamepass train because it has a cosmetic change or whatever, and I have to tell them that I can’t because refunds are not a feature.

IIRC someone even said ‘I want a refund, I’m a car person!’ in the comments of one of the gamepasses and I was like, “this is a train game”. :roll_eyes:


Those are just trolls, You’d have to learn to ignore them and just continue development on the game adding things that’ll expand to other communities.


why are you able to delete gamepasses again?


I think people sometimes don’t want to be somehow connected to a game. It’s a weird thing. I don’t know why the gamepasses someone buys is visible to other players. Seems like info people don’t need on you.


Just put in the description, “WARNING/BUYERS BEWARE; no refunds”. This will eliminate the whole issue entirely.

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Yeah as long as you promise them what the gamepass gives it should be fine, you are not required to give a refund. In refund cases a player can only be refunded if the gamepass is a scam (doesn’t give whats intended) or you specifically put in your description as a group you will give refunds.

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