Players do not move with ship

Okay i got it working again, but it stops if it hits anything

Just stops at port 1 and doesnt rotate either

How do i make this infinite?

Alright so I quickly made this node based movement system, it might work for you.

So what you want to do is to create an attachment that will be representing from where the movement will be coming from, so if the attachment is in the center then ship will go to the center of the node, also make sure to name the attachment as “Node”.

You can adjust settings in the “Port” configuration folder. If Debug Mode is on it will show the arrows. Rest is for you to find out since I need to go eat.

Also you need to set the “Mover” to your ship model (the value of it). And then you just need to add more nodes (make sure they are in order you want them to be, the order is defined by their name which must be a number), each node has settings which will be applied once the mover (aka your ship) gets near it.

“WaitFor” will make the mover wait for certain amount of time in seconds.
“Speed” will change the speed.

Here you have the example I made:
SimpleNodeMovementSystem.rbxl (36.4 KB)

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Wow, thanks! I’ll try to use it, i’ll let you know how it goes

This is so easy to use! Thank you so much!!!

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Sorry for the late reply, but I’ve been trying for the last 3 days to find out how to weld the ship to the part without the part falling and not working, i tried WeldConstraint and Weld but none of them let the part move around