You can’t create custom badge notifications
you can disable them and then create your own system. so yes you can.
Nuh uh you can.
There’s a SetCore method in StarterGui, which allows you to do some cool tricks, and disable built-in badge notifications.
You can do something like that (In a Script in ServerScriptService)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlayersListPlus = require(ReplicatedStorage.PlayersListPlus)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local BadgeID = 0 -- Replace the 0 to the badgeId
local ImageId = "rbxassetid://0" -- Replace the 0 to the Custom Icon
local UserHasBadge = BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(Player.UserId, BadgeID)
if UserHasBadge then
PlayersListPlus.AddCustomIconPlayer(Player, ImageId)
Assuming you’re speaking about PromptSendFriendRequest and its counterpart, there is still just as much core UI and might even be more ugly
Does this support console players?
If anyone else has troubles with the player list breaking when a new player joins you can go into the PlayersListPlus module and replace the for loop at line 360 with this one.
for i,newPlr in game.Players:GetPlayers() do
local plrTeam = getPlrTeam(newPlr)
if isNotNumber == false and (plrTeam == TeamName or (TeamName == "Neutral" and plrTeam == nil)) then
NoPlayer = false
local leaderstats = newPlr:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
local stat = leaderstats:WaitForChild(leaderstatsName)
local val = stat.Value
if typeof(val) ~= "number" then
isNotNumber = true
NoPlayer = true
TotalTeamValue += val
Hey guys, time for some fixes
I REALLY recommends you to update your PlayersListPlus to v1.14
Fixed Friends Icon and new friend Icon
→ I fixed the friends icon not displaying
→ New friend icon, same as the roblox friend Icon
Fixed buttons
→ Before: you can’t click buttons under the players list
Before the fix:
After the fix:
Nice resource but how do I make it smaller?
is there an open source testing place with all of the features to check out?
Also can this be used to like make teams of a certain size , when players join?
Or does it just display teams, that are already configured into teams elsewhere.
I few sentences at the top might help to described what exactly this is uses for, I cannot really tell. since it has block, it seems it is managing teams… or players or something.
I’ve become a fan of which allows developers to use custom fonts, by default PlayersListPlus does not support this yet. I’ve made some changes I’d like to hand over to you to implement if you’d like!
This is an example of it with bungee, I don’t prefer this font but it’s just for example.
MenuFont ="rbxassetid://12187370000", Enum.FontWeight.Bold),
And with my changes it will also support normal
MenuFont = Enum.Font.FredokaOne
Here is the simple code change I made!
for i,v in script:GetDescendants() do
if v:IsA("TextLabel") or v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("TextBox") then
if typeof(Config.MenuFont) == "EnumItem" then
v.Font = Config.MenuFont
elseif typeof(Config.MenuFont) == "Font" then
v.FontFace = Config.MenuFont
On line 225 of the PlayersListPlus Module.