Current Version : 1.15, if you have an older version, update it for some fixes
- Fixed Customs icons that might not appear
V1.1 - V1.12
- Added Full Teams support.
- Added “TeamSize” in config, you can change the size of teams in the list! (0.115 recommended).
Hi, this is my first OpenSource project!
PlayersListPlus is a better Players List with a lot of features and customization
On mobile:
Others example:
What you can do with this ?
- Add your own custom button (Like the Kick button)
- Add Custom Icon to players
- Add Custom Player name Color
- Add Custom Player name Animation/Gradient
- Add Icons and Color to leaderstats (+ Autoscale)
- Custom Font!
- Easy to setup
Coming Soon
- LayoutOrder based on leaderstats value
How to Setup
- Move the ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage
- Move the Script named "PlayerListPlus" in ServerScriptService
- Move the LocalScript named "PlayersListPlus" in ReplicatedFirst or StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
- Edit the Config in the ModuleScript
.AddCustomIconPlayer(Player : Player, Icon : string)
-> Add a Custom Icon to a Player.
-> Call this server side so everyone can see it.
.ChangeColorPlayer(Player : Player, Color : Color3)
-> Change the Color of the Player name.
-> Call this server side so everyone can see it.
.AddAnimationPlayer(Player : Player, AnimationName : string)
-> Add an Animation to the Player name.
-> Check the "Animations" folder for all Animations, you can create a new Animation by following the others animation script.
-> AnimationName = the name of a Module in the "Animations" folder.
-> Call this server side so everyone can see it.
.AddTagPlayer(Player : Player, Name : string, Color : Color3, AnimationName : string)
-> Add a tag to the Player, the Menu when you click on player profil
-> Check the "Animations" folder for all Animations, you can create a new Animation by following the others animation script.
-> AnimationName = the name of a Module in the "Animations" folder.
-> Call this server side so everyone can see it.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlayersListPlus = require(ReplicatedStorage.PlayersListPlus)
PlayersListPlus.AddCustomIconPlayer(Player, "rbxassetid://17451002563")
PlayersListPlus.ChangeColorPlayer(Player, Color3.fromRGB(255, 170, 0))
PlayersListPlus.AddAnimationPlayer(Player, "Golden")
PlayersListPlus.AddTagPlayer(Player, "PREMIUM", Color3.fromRGB(255, 170, 0), "Golden")
If you use this system in your game, send me a private message on the devforum! I want to see how you use my system in your game
→ The icons in the examples are all editable, in the examples they are cartoon because that’s my style, but you can of course modify them, as well as the font!
I’ve only made 3 animations, but you can create your own. If you’ve created an animation, don’t hesitate to share it with the community!