Players.MaxPlayers displayed incorrectly in studio edit mode; corrected in game after some delay

Reproduction Steps
This issue currently occurs for Project Frontlines Testing - Roblox. It occurred for one other place pertaining to the same project (although not in the same universe) roughly one year ago. I addressed it with I workaround which I’ve been using until recently.

Expected Behavior
The max player count of the place in question is set to 20. I expect to see 20 in the properties tab for MaxPlayers, PreferredPlayers. I expect to get a value of 20 whenever I write game.Players.MaxPlayers.

Actual Behavior
In edit mode, the studio properties tab shows values of 60 for MaxPlayers and PreferredPlayers. In game, server scripts get a value of 60 when they asks for Players.MaxPlayers upon initialization. If I use the developer console in the same server and write print(game.Players.MaxPlayers), I get the correct value of 20.

Defining my own max player count constant.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2020-12-01 00:12:00 (-08:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-12-23 00:12:00 (-08:00)


Can confirm; this still happens several months after. If possible, could anyone look into this?

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Seconded, this is happening in-game for me and is affecting my ability to work on a project.

The same thing is happening to me, it’s strange how they still haven’t looked into this problem almost a year later… maybe they’ve not seen it yet.

Same here, how is this still a thing… mann :pensive:

same, I can’t test my game if MaxPlayers doesn’t work, any solutions?

Still having this issue! Would be extremely helpful to have this fixed.

Still waiting for a fix, if this is fixed it would heavily help my plugin automate things much more as well

Will revive this, still an issue


The bug still persists for me.