Please add input pressure as a readable property for InputObjects

As a developer, it is currently impossible to determine how much pressure is being applied by the player when using a drawing tablet stylus or touch screen device.

Please add a pressure property (or readable value) to InputObject so that developers can determine how much pressure is being applied by either a drawing tablet stylus, or touch screen device.

The use case is most likely drawing and sculpting mechanics using EditableImage and EditableMesh, but I could also see this being used to display really satisfying effects when players tap to open pet eggs, or for functionality like needing powerful inputs to mine resources, or softer inputs to carefully clean fossil specimens.

Position has unique cases in which it returns the direction that the scroll wheel is being moved using the Z axis, or for pressure on gamepad controls.

Returning the input pressure as its own property, or as the Position.Z would be awesome, and would enable much better functionality in art games!


Isnt this a #feature-requests type post?

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Uh oh! I opened a draft in feature requests, and I didn’t notice it switched. :man_facepalming:
Thanks for letting me know, I’ve just switched it!

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What’s interesting is that this is already present for almost all Gamepad buttons, since almost all of them have a history of being pressure-sensitive. Just like other inputs that contain data like this, it’s in the Position property (Z axis).
It would be nice for styluses to have this too (also in the Position property), I’m just not sure there is much likelihood of it being added considering use of it would be scarce.

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What should happen if a touch device doesn’t support pressure sensitive touch?

other than that, support.


It could return ‘full pressure’ value for any touch, or click that doesn’t have pressure support. A second property would probably be good to determine if the touch device being used supports pressure sensitivity.

I just really want to have support for drawing tablets so I can make some cool drawing mechanics and plugins. :stuck_out_tongue:

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