# please be aware of instant beaming trading

Please be aware of this scam going around (UNLEAKED)

if you know any Roblox Engineer please direct him to this forum post.

If you know any Roblox engineers, please direct them to this forum post.

These scams mainly occur in trade hangout games and off-site platforms. Scammers will message you through an off-site application, asking if an item is “poisoned” or not. They will provide you with an image and ask you to compare it with an identical one to ensure it’s not “poisoned.”

If you ask how to check, they will provide a video or image hosted on a famous media site. This is a trick to make you forget that it’s a phishing link.

Clicking on the link can result in you getting compromised, not even authenticator will save you, however I don’t believe that he gets your cookies but something related with trading.

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they are just cookie logging nothing to do with trading

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It isn’t, matter fact you don’t even have to re-login with the link he put on, it’s basically not a fake site, next time you say something please provide evidence

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I promise you the person from Discord is just a cookie logger lol. There is no other physical way that person could have hacked you.

The scam method is explained in this youtube video.

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That is the way, surprisingly it’s not the old way we all know

It’s explained in a youtube video and it’s not a cookie log.