[Please close] Need help with a Character without Humanoid

Okay, so I am trying to create a fake character or also known as a custom character without an Humanoid.
Everything works fine I can move I can jump. But now here’s the issue.

Every time I move, I noticed that my character doesn’t change it’s rotation.

I noticed that the problem is happening with a BodyGyro, which I am using so the character doesn’t fall down to the ground.

local bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro", tor)
bg.D = 40
bg.P = 10000
bg.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(4000000, 4000000, 4000000) -- This is where the problem starts.

By setting the Vector.new Z value to 0, It kind of is able to rotate, just not where it’s supposed to.

Do I have to set a CFrame to the BodyGyro in a while loop? (BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.new()) or do I have to change the MaxTorque?


Do you want this guy to be the player or just an NPC?

can you show a Video? 30chars

If you want your character to rotate but also have body gyro then you have to update the orientation of the body gyro at every step. This is not that expensive if you do it client side in a local script. Hopefully, you moving script is a local script.

This is the video with

local bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro", tor)
bg.D = 40
bg.P = 10000
bg.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(4000000, 4000000, 4000000)

Should I also send the other one?

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Why don’t you add a humanoid? It would make your life 100 times easier. Is it something to do with your game? If you add a humanoid, it’s auto rotate will rotate the character as you wish.

The character movement is not a localscript. Seriously. It isn’t. And yes, I did try updating the BodyGyro.

bv.Velocity = owner.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * WalkSpeed.Value
-- bg.CFrame = CFrame.new(tor.Velocity * owner.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * WalkSpeed.Value)
if owner.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then

I made a custom character put in your script and added a humanoid everything worked fine, as stated above by theyoloman just add a humanoid and it should work fine!

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I think using a humanoid would make this much easier. Are you not wanting to use one?


Exactly, I just don’t want to use an Humanoid.

but why, do you want to be like old roblox? like blocky movements?

you can make new animations that are completely blank for old roblox movements, or just the old animations for actual movements

Hm, kind of? But Old ROBLOX did also use Humanoids, just that they just looked like a decoration.

You can use AnimationControllers to make animations load. Like some sort of alternative. But you’ll need the rig.

So what I’m getting here is your wanting a character without a humanoid? well then you will need to create multiple animations for walking, running,etc,etc

Exactly. I want a controlable character without using an Humanoid.

May I ask why no humanoid? I’ve never tried this myself so I’m not sure what the benefits would be.

Has almost no one actually tried to do this before?

Not that I know of 30chars

Well, in my case. It would benefit a lot. Since the game I recorded the video in is not mine. But is used to test and create scripts. Since then I wouldn’t have to worry about people who used leaked scripts mass-killing and a lot of more other stuff.