It’s simple, you might be banned from testing the game you just leaked! If you’re not a tester, you could ruin the unreleased game’s excitement and hype!
A few years ago, I was testing a game from a fellow developer. I wanted to work on my own project, so I released a post on the devfourms asking for help on the project. When discussing the builder’s role, I asked the future builder to look reference a low poly build. I used an unreleased game from a studio that I was testing. Little did you I know that the devs and potential occupants got ANGRY! @HoudiniDev, the guy who runs the studio that hosts the game, expressed the developers concern and removed me from testing the game. I have since never talked about that studio, game and the creators since, until now. Here’s the link if you wanna read the “drama”: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/closed-new-rthro-game-project-hiring-developers/238516?u=chrisofdoom
Long story short, don’t do it. It’s bad for you, the developers, and the players. Thank you.