Please move the MouseLock button into the Top Bar core GUI

I feel a big need to have the MouseLock button’s awkward position to be moved out of the way into the top bar. Possibly to the left of the player health bar.

Putting it in the bottom left corner is hard to work with.


I think you can just change the position of it by using a LocalScript. It’s in Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ControlGui.BottomLeftControl

If so I will certainly use it.

Yep, you can move it.

Yes, I just tested it online and on solo. Just make a LocalScript in the StarterGui and put this in.

script.Parent:WaitForChild("ControlGui"):WaitForChild("BottomLeftControl").Position =,0,0.5,0)

Of course the one time I asked for a core GUI to be moved, is the one time its position is customisable. XD.

I just realized you can make it a far off position, and hook up .Changed to make a complete custom button*.

“Of course the one time I asked for a core GUI to be moved, is the one time its position is customisable.”

It’s not a Core UI element anymore.

Can this please be done?

I’m trying to control it by script but it keeps finding its way back in to its original place.