Please open up the Classic Head, and Classic Faces UGC Marketplace categories for artists to upload to

As a UGC creator the only way to upload Classic Heads and Classic Faces is by uploading them as accessories, or by bypassing Dynamic Head animation checks, however both of these have their issues:

  1. Uploading heads/faces as accessories means that they do not support avatar colours.
  2. Uploading non-animated heads to the Dynamic Head category makes it harder for customers to find real animated heads.
  3. Uploading non-animated heads to the Dynamic Head category is technically against the guidelines.
  4. Dynamic Heads do not allow makeup.

Classic Heads, and Classic Faces categories already exist. Opening these categories would create a whole new market for artists. It feels like a no-brainer to open up these categories to contribute to the marketplace, and enable more artists to earn on the platform.

If this is addressed it would:

  1. Improve the searchability of the marketplace.
  2. Make basic bundles easier for new artists to create.
  3. Make heads and 2d faces that properly support avatar colours a possibility.
  4. (might) Alleviate unanimated heads in the Dynamic Head category.
  5. Create new opportunities to earn for the talented 2D, and 3D artists in the Roblox Community.

Since the accessory workaround requires you to pay a separate upload fee for every variant, many creators will only upload their faces in light skin tones. People of color get less options because some creators won’t spend the extra robux to offer an inclusive range of skin tones. This has been happening for over three years now, and could easily be solved from the ground up by opening up Classic Face uploads.


At RDC24, I pitched up the idea of custom or preset FACS interpolation types besides linear interpolation (e.g. stepped interpolation). I feel like if Roblox is really adamant about wanting to make heads/faces dynamic, this could be a decent option for bridging the gap of making animated 2D faces that don’t look as jarring as they are. Aside from that there are still limitations with what is achievable and you make great points about not allowing makeup, searchability, unanimated heads in the Dynamic Head category, etc. I would like to see the support of actual classic heads and 2D faces on the avatar marketplace.


Completely sick of the dynamic heads category being flooded with pixelated ripped anime faces and generic emotes on a head mesh. If there’s anything cool in this category, I can’t bloody find it.

2D faces are not going away, it would be great if we could tailor the platform to the overwhelming desires of the artists and players using it!


I 100% agree with these changes and I would love to see these categories opening up for UGC.
We need these to be UGC categories. I don’t know many people who wear dynamic heads unironically, or just because they have no other alternative. People who enjoy dynamic heads will have a better time finding animated heads and people who don’t enjoy this feature, will finally have a market.

I really don’t like dynamic and animated heads, and I have a very hard time discovering new static faces because they don’t change skin tones, and they can’t work on all head shapes.

I understand Roblox want’s to have dynamic heads over classic heads, but why can’t both co-exist? There’s people who hate animated heads, and dislike the uncanny vibes these heads have in-games.
We shouldn’t be forced to use dynamic heads, perhaps, people would also enjoy dynamic heads more if it wasn’t forced on them

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A large collection of the heads in the ‘dynamic heads’ section aren’t rigged up correctly (like the half-heads you mentioned) for them to be used in the way Roblox intends for them to be used - cluttering the category with heads that do not correctly support FaceControls, and making it harder for customers to find the types of assets they’re looking for.

It’s unlikely that this request will be fulfilled, but it’s worth a try! :man_shrugging:

I don’t see the harm in opening up some categories that already exist though. It’s more opportunities for both Roblox, and creators to make money.

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