[PLEASE TEST + FEEDBACK]: Da Brickz, a retro style da hood game

are you looking for any moderators to ban exploiters

Maybe! The game isn’t totally finished yet.

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One thing I do not agree on this is that it’s supposed to be “retro”, and since this looks like old Roblox it’s goal is to replicate it, I’m pretty sure Extreme gore was HIGHLY unlikely in that era

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Are floating trees a bug or a feature?

How about old animations? I’m sure they exist.
Edit, Played the game here are thoughts:
First of, Oh my god the lag the guns creates for low-end gpus is crazy, i literally drop to 7fps when shooting due to heavy muzzles and details
I like the smooth sprinting animation but it does not fit this game’s type of style.
I like the camera bobbing! So much! How did you do it may i ask?
Also you can kill the cashier

Not sure if this intentional or not.
Where did my arms go?!

Why is the grass so shaky?

Also you can really stay high in the air with these types of weapons

ok just let me know i could easily do that

Also make the player more blocky with no bevels

Thanks for all the feedback! I don’t have a programmer for this project (if anyone wants to join, that would be great! i do have funds) and its all made by me with the help of @diamond6529. Some of this stuff is easy to fix, but I’m really not sure what to do for the others.

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If you are a programmer who’d want to join the team, that would be great! You would get a % of the the games profits with negotiable backup funds if it fails. DM me if you want the job!