[Plugin] Power Selectors: Selecting parts made easy!

  1. Is it possible for you to change the color of the selection box based on the user settings? It’s a little bit strange seeing blue mix with orange.


  1. I’ve been wanting this for a long time, but can you group all your building plugins into one plugin section? @stravant did this with his plugins.


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Indeed it is!

Selection Color = settings().Studio["Select Color"]
Selection Thickness = game:GetService("Selection").SelectionThickness

Accessing settings() seems sketchy, but it’s okay. We’re exposing new settings through proper APIs and making them inaccessible on the settings object, but the existing ones that are public on the settings object are grandfathered in.


Definitely going to try this out. This looks really well done and is going to save me a lot of time.

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I always hated the normal selection tool because it can select parts that aren’t on screen. This plugin is a time-saver, thank you so much for this!

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Finally selecting parts have never been this easy without this plugin

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BRO THIS IS SO HELPFUL FOR reducing memory for some maps

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Don’t exactly know what’s causing it, but when you stop using a selector and you try to move the selected parts it lags my entire studio a whole lot.

Other than that, really cool plugin!

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Yet I know selecting descendants of models is a feature of this plugin, can we have an option where it select a model instead of it’s descendants? It will help a lot for grouping different models into one model / folder.


blender, my love

this is going to save me so much time selecting stuff

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Congrats on the success! I don’t know if you saw but a popular youtuber (RoBuilder) has made a video of your plugin! It deserves a video though, this plugin is amazing and will save so much time!

Makes my job 100x easier, i’ve waited for plugin like this for a long time. Thanks :slight_smile:

Looks great! Shame I can’t get it due to the outage.

How did I not see this earlier?

-Jaiden Animations (Stole her quote lol)

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i have a suggestion could you add a feature that selects locked parts cause on some builds im looking for a part but everything is locked so i have to spend the time looking in the workspace for it

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I hope for this as well! If there’s an option to turn on select locked parts, (the opposite of unlocked parts), it would be appreciated! Perhaps a setting menu that enables you to do this. And if there were to be a setting menu, possibly that’s when customization for your selection is added? E.g: Customize selection color, and etc…

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